Mar 2 2006
Am I cheap?
Does it make me cheap if I buy bottles of soda from a vending machine at the laundry mat around the corner instead of buying them at the corner market, because I can save $0.38 on each one? That’s 38%! That’s better than buy 3 get one free! That probably doesn’t make me too cheap, does it?
Ok, what if I consistently walk 3 blocks to use the ATM at the Bank of America on 9th and Washington instead of paying a surcharge (or whatever) of $3+ to use on of the many ATMs closer to my home? Does THAT make me cheap? I just really have a problem with paying that much money for convenience. Especially when I’ll probably be spending the money I get out of the ATM at the business it is located at.
Here’s the goocher… Does it make me cheap if after getting cash out of an ATM at the bank, I keep walking past the corner market to buy a bottle of soda at the laundry mat?
Ok, maybe I AM a little cheap, but… I just can’t afford not to be. I mean, if I have no cash on me, and I go to the corner market to buy ONE bottle of soda, it would cost me $4.38 (including the ATM fee)! $4.38 for 20 ounces of Wild Cherry Pepsi? I don’t think so.
Another benefit of walking to the bank is picking up a slice of pizza at Pizza Rustica! When I worked at Lazerland, across the street from Rustica, I would get slices from there like every other day! I’ve tried every kind of pizza they have, and some that aren’t even on the menu! Matter of fact, my very first post to was somewhat about Pizza Rustica.
I don’t care if I’m cheap! I’m eating kick-ass pizza for dinner and you’re not!
Mar 2 2006
on hiatus or fate to be determined
South Beach is done. Actually, it was done last week, but I was too lazy to type about it. Eight episodes down, and I am moist with anticipation to hear if there will be a 2nd season, and beyond. I hope so. Was I the only person that liked this show?
Never fear! 8th and Ocean is here! Just 5 more days until the premiere of MTV’s 8th & Ocean!
And since I was too lazy/not clever enough to come up with a new graphic centered around ME, I decided to revive this old one!
Can you believe I’ve been waiting more than 4 months for this show to start? It seems like just yesterday when I was signing my release form!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, TV