After a one year hiatus, I will be returning to the Daytona Supercross tomorrow night!! I am fairly excited, especially after missing it last year, but this will be James Stewart’s first Daytona SX in the premier class, and that’s something I’m sure to cherish.
Here are some pictures from 2003 (when just Kim and I went and pretty much hung out n the pits all day) and 2004 (when Kim, Brandon and I went, and my camera was not working so well).
Mar 9 2006
After a one year hiatus, I will be returning to the Daytona Supercross tomorrow night!! I am fairly excited, especially after missing it last year, but this will be James Stewart’s first Daytona SX in the premier class, and that’s something I’m sure to cherish.
Here are some pictures from 2003 (when just Kim and I went and pretty much hung out n the pits all day) and 2004 (when Kim, Brandon and I went, and my camera was not working so well).
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 6 • Tags: IRL, Pictures, Supercross