I am the king of procrastination, and it kind of sucks.
When I’m at work and have 78667767 things to do, I can find another 767678 things in my digg.com widget that I want to read, but can’t because I’m supposed to be doing work at work. I usually drag the URL to the articles that I think I want to read to my thumbdrive so I can read them when I get home, but usually when I’m at home and have nothing to do I wonder why I ever thought those articles were at all interesting.
The same thing kind of applies at home now too. When I had tons of laundry or general apartment cleaning to do, I could find 876767 other more interesting things to do instead. But now that my apartment is (relatively) clean, and I pretty much don’t have anything important to do, I can’t find anything interesting at all to do.
Hello, brain? When I have nothing to do is when I need to find very boring things interesting, ok? NOT when I have more pressing matters to attend to.
Mar 27 2006
boring… alright!
I am the king of procrastination, and it kind of sucks.
When I’m at work and have 78667767 things to do, I can find another 767678 things in my digg.com widget that I want to read, but can’t because I’m supposed to be doing work at work. I usually drag the URL to the articles that I think I want to read to my thumbdrive so I can read them when I get home, but usually when I’m at home and have nothing to do I wonder why I ever thought those articles were at all interesting.
The same thing kind of applies at home now too. When I had tons of laundry or general apartment cleaning to do, I could find 876767 other more interesting things to do instead. But now that my apartment is (relatively) clean, and I pretty much don’t have anything important to do, I can’t find anything interesting at all to do.
Hello, brain? When I have nothing to do is when I need to find very boring things interesting, ok? NOT when I have more pressing matters to attend to.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 4 • Tags: Uncategorized