Mar 27 2006
boring… alright!
I am the king of procrastination, and it kind of sucks.
When I’m at work and have 78667767 things to do, I can find another 767678 things in my widget that I want to read, but can’t because I’m supposed to be doing work at work. I usually drag the URL to the articles that I think I want to read to my thumbdrive so I can read them when I get home, but usually when I’m at home and have nothing to do I wonder why I ever thought those articles were at all interesting.
The same thing kind of applies at home now too. When I had tons of laundry or general apartment cleaning to do, I could find 876767 other more interesting things to do instead. But now that my apartment is (relatively) clean, and I pretty much don’t have anything important to do, I can’t find anything interesting at all to do.
Hello, brain? When I have nothing to do is when I need to find very boring things interesting, ok? NOT when I have more pressing matters to attend to.
March 27, 2006 @ 5:10 pm
The viscious cycle of procrastination is a testament to human creativity. I work at home, so I’m lucky, because I can actually procrastinate from “work” work with house chores. However, since I started blog reading and writing, it’s the death of my productivity for sure. And all those naked men in my apartment, man, it’s SO distracting!
What’s this digg widget?
Have you checked out Chax?
March 27, 2006 @ 9:33 pm
dude, don’t fucking ask about digg. It’s like sudoku, or golf, or crystal meth: one of those things that looks like fun, you try it once, and before long it takes over your life. stay the hell away.
March 27, 2006 @ 11:36 pm
damn, I better stick to the topics I know, sex, beach, low-carb cocktails, key lime pies …
July 30, 2007 @ 5:17 am
This is exactly what I expected to find out after reading the title alright!. Thanks for informative article