Here are 5 posts I think about on a daily basis.
1. Memorial Day Weekend 2005! This post gets so many hits! I mean like 40%+ of my daily hits come from this post. I can’t wait for Memorial Day Weekend 2K6!
2. …and it has been all downhill from then! This probably should have been my most proud moment, but it’s hard to really be proud of an accident or a fluke. I can’t decide if I’ll be happy of bummed if we don’t get any hurricanes here this year.
3. I still haven’t been swimming in the ocean since! (I ain’t skurred! I just haven’t had an occasion to be in the Atlantic. Besides, the thing was frickin’ HUGE! and I think it wanted to have sex with me. and to have a sea cow think that you’re another sea cow kind of puts a pretty big dent in the ego!)
4. The comments were A+++! I was a little worried I might burn for taking those pics, but given the opportunity, I’d do it again. (but maybe with better camera settings – like not ISO 800!)
5. Hmm… I guess I can only think of 4. Maybe I’ll think of a 5th post later on. Oh, I know!
5. That was a great trip! A lot has changed in the past 3.5 years! My hair is a lot longer (and a lot more GRAY zOMG!!), Sadie is all growns up (.com!), and Kim and Brandon are married and have a kid! Maybe I can go to Washougal again this summer. I’d like to visit Walla Walla again too.
Apr 5 2006
Little bad fothermucker playing Space Invaders
Here are 5 posts I think about on a daily basis.
1. Memorial Day Weekend 2005! This post gets so many hits! I mean like 40%+ of my daily hits come from this post. I can’t wait for Memorial Day Weekend 2K6!
2. …and it has been all downhill from then! This probably should have been my most proud moment, but it’s hard to really be proud of an accident or a fluke. I can’t decide if I’ll be happy of bummed if we don’t get any hurricanes here this year.
3. I still haven’t been swimming in the ocean since! (I ain’t skurred! I just haven’t had an occasion to be in the Atlantic. Besides, the thing was frickin’ HUGE! and I think it wanted to have sex with me. and to have a sea cow think that you’re another sea cow kind of puts a pretty big dent in the ego!)
4. The comments were A+++! I was a little worried I might burn for taking those pics, but given the opportunity, I’d do it again. (but maybe with better camera settings – like not ISO 800!)
5. Hmm… I guess I can only think of 4. Maybe I’ll think of a 5th post later on.Oh, I know!5. That was a great trip! A lot has changed in the past 3.5 years! My hair is a lot longer (and a lot more GRAY zOMG!!), Sadie is all growns up (.com!), and Kim and Brandon are married and have a kid! Maybe I can go to Washougal again this summer. I’d like to visit Walla Walla again too.
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