Ya know, I’ve always claimed to be a pretty cool guy, but it’s been a little tough to back that claim up at times. The other day I ran across a bit of proof!
Here I am flanked by my boys, Phil hanks on my right and Rod Schutte on my left. Please pay close attention to my sweet pink All-Stars that I’m rockin’ without socks! That’s how I did it in the late 80s. Also, check out how ginormous Phil’s feet are! Oh, and obviously I was way skinnier than I am now. I think I’m gonna get my hair cut like that again! I’d still wear pink Converse, but I think they might give off the wrong kind of vibe here on South Beach. I’m still man enough to ride my pink Pork around!
I can’t figure out what year this was exactly. I wasn’t into cards until after I moved to Yakima, so it must have been after 6th grade. I think this was before my melon got operated on, so it was before 9th grade. I’m going to guess that this was during the 7th grade, so probably 1987 or 88.
I’m gonna look for more sweet pics from back in the day to scan.
Speaking of friends…
Hey, you. Yeah, YOU! You reading these words… Why am I not one of your myspace friends?? Please add me right now! www.myspace.com/fanless (I better have at least 250 friends by the end of the day!)
Thanks! We’ll be BFF!!
Apr 11 2006
They call me Birdman Junior; I’m flyer than the rest
Ya know, I’ve always claimed to be a pretty cool guy, but it’s been a little tough to back that claim up at times. The other day I ran across a bit of proof!

Here I am flanked by my boys, Phil hanks on my right and Rod Schutte on my left. Please pay close attention to my sweet pink All-Stars that I’m rockin’ without socks! That’s how I did it in the late 80s. Also, check out how ginormous Phil’s feet are! Oh, and obviously I was way skinnier than I am now. I think I’m gonna get my hair cut like that again! I’d still wear pink Converse, but I think they might give off the wrong kind of vibe here on South Beach. I’m still man enough to ride my pink Pork around!
I can’t figure out what year this was exactly. I wasn’t into cards until after I moved to Yakima, so it must have been after 6th grade. I think this was before my melon got operated on, so it was before 9th grade. I’m going to guess that this was during the 7th grade, so probably 1987 or 88.
I’m gonna look for more sweet pics from back in the day to scan.
Speaking of friends…
Hey, you. Yeah, YOU! You reading these words… Why am I not one of your myspace friends?? Please add me right now!
www.myspace.com/fanless (I better have at least 250 friends by the end of the day!)
Thanks! We’ll be BFF!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Pictures