Apr 15 2006
CBGB in Miami????? Be still, my heart!
Oh, wait… “…more of a merchandise, retail outfit with perhaps a music stage…”??
Yeah, shit… That’s just what South Beach (and the rest of the world) needs! CBGB as trendy as Von Dutch? I CAN’T WAIT! (insert eyeroll here)
Apr 15 2006
Watch me go bling bling, bling bling; so gleam
I am zOMG SO MOIST WITH ANTICIPATION for this to be ready all ready! Naturally, Jay Quinlan is my heavy favorite without even seeing any footage. Second nod goes to Kourtney Hungerford, and 3rd on my radar is Heath Frisby, but if anyone else really brings it then I’m not against giving them precedence. Those are just my 3 favorites in general.
There are rumors that I will be riding at Markham park today at 3:30 or so. Back in January, Raul, Carl and I trekked up there only to find out that the trails were still closed after Hurricane Wilma’s destruction. Whoever said they’re open again better be right! I don’t want to have to settle for Oleta again. I wish South Pointe park had Markham’s trails! Then I would NEVER leave the beach!!
My bike is a little beat. I know a couple of months ago I made a post stating that I went a whole year… 1000+ miles! without getting a flat. Well, a couple of weeks after that I got a flat. I don’t even know how or when. I just went to ride to Publix and my rear tire was flat. The flat may have been a gift from God because in trying to change the tube I found a broken spoke! My rear wheel spent a couple of weeks at the mechanic’s and after too much drama over the disc rotor/hub, my wheel is back on my bike.
But my suspension is still too soft and my rear brake is still unpredictable. It might work… It might not.
Anyway… Come out to Markham Park this afternoon, find me, and say “Hey, I went to your website and it gave my kid/wife/dog a seizure, you asshole!!”. I shouldn’t be too hard to find… I’ll probably be the only fat guy LAYING (example 1, example 2) on the trail, crying for his mommy!

By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Pictures, Riding