Apr 16 2006
I’m (almost) famous (by proxy)!
Hey, look at this! James was in the NY Times today. Remember when I spent a day in Seattle with James (and others) and he (and others) got me drnk? That was awesome!
I was planning on flying back to Seattle in 2 weeks, but I’m too broke to go. The funny thing is that if I had not been lazy and got my taxes done earlier, I would have had enough money to go. Oh well. Maybe I’ll go for the Washougal National. If not, there’s always family xmas in December.
Also, it’s kind of funny because I linked to one of James’ youtube videos.
Apr 16 2006
I’m PRO!
The rumors were true! The trails at Markham Park were open, and not only did I get to ride them again, I lived to tell about it too!! (with pictures even!)
This is the entrance to “Crime Scene”. I think it’s clear that if you’re there to have a good time on your new Huffys you got from K-mart with your wife, you took a wrong turn somewhere. This section isn’t for pussies!
This is the back side of Crime Scene. Unfortunately, pictures don’t show how gnarly and intimidating it really is.
Here I am, contemplating certain death. It’s kind of like when you’re a kid and you finally get to go riding with the older kids. You’re like, It doesn’t look that bad, but they must call it “Dead Man Hill” for a reason, right?
…but I’m dum so I go for it. I kind of look like I know what I’m doing; sighting where I want to go instead of where I am.
And amazingly I end up where I wanted to go!
H00RAY!! I didn’t die!!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 9 • Tags: IRL, Pictures, Riding