May 4 2006
Some people are dum.
For example… I’m working on a comp card for this girl and she has her stats listed as “BUST: 24A WAIST: 28 HIPS: 42.5” and I’m like OLOLOL because… can you say “pear shaped”? And this girl totally isn’t.
So I email her booker asking if the stats are correct, and she replies, “yes, that is what she wrote. Thanks for checking”.
Alrighty then! I would love to see someone with measurements like that!
May 5, 2006 @ 12:16 pm
May 5, 2006 @ 2:44 pm
Oh, that wasn’t even the end of the story! We ended up calling the booker and basically saying we were not going to print the card because we knew her stats were wrong. The booker had to call the girl and tell her that, and then they called back and I had to change the bust to 34A instead.
May 8, 2006 @ 11:24 am
And then I must say…Girls…girls…