May 11 2006
Don’t Fight The Feelin’
I will be at plan to be at Lucky Strike tomorrow night from 9 PM until ??? for Chad’s birthday party. This will be a prime opportunity for you to find me, get me drnk, and attempt to steal my virginity. (ladies only!) I don’t plan on doing any actual bowling… The last time I went bowling I got p0wnt!1! I’ll just be there looking awesome, as usual.
Also, I have been advised that my picture is on page 128 of the June 2006 issue of Dirt Bike magazine! (oh hay if you accidentally go to you might be in for a surprise!) If you get your grubby fat little hands on that issue, you can enjoy more Where’s Waldo super mega ultra good fun times! H00RAY!!
Lastly, who wants to go to this wakeboarding comp with me? I’m not too keen on paying $25+ to see guys that aren’t exactly my favorites… Especially after seeing my favorite riders at Mill Pond for free! It’s something to do, I guess. I just need to find someone to do it with.
May 12, 2006 @ 1:38 pm
I want to go to the wakeboarding contest too, but I got scared after seeing these pictures –
The Miami Seaquirum looks condemed. We should all meet there on Haloween and place a hex on M***ist. (I’m kidding again).
Yeah $25 bucks sounds expensive. Isn’t there some fence we can jump, or roadie we can bride?
How much was it to get into the Motocross event you covered?