May 21 2006
Where the heck is Wall Drug?
So The Rock Crest Lodge is pretty much the gnarliest place I have ever stayed! We got there late and we were pretty beat. The place just had a creepy feeling to it. We got into our room, and I was like… “This isn’t the Rock Crest… This is the Bates Motel!!” Seriously, it was spooky!! The website makes it look pretty good, so maybe it’s a lot nicer now. After all, it was 3 years ago when we were there. If I were to find myself in Custer South Dakota again, I would for sure stay there again, just because! And the “Custer Southern Exposure Family Package” sounds enticing! Anyways…
We survived the night and started the day with some LOLz!
Here I am surfing the innernets or something. (The room was so small!)
I had been to Mt. Rushmore before, and was vaguely familiar with the area. I knew I wanted to drive through Custer State Park to get to Mt. Rushmore, but I didn’t anticipate how difficult it would be to navigate those mountain roads with the big Dodge Ram and a uhaul trailer. It was a little stressful at times, but I feel it was worth it.
Kim, Brandon and me at Mt. Rushmore.
Me and Brandon at Mt. Rushmore.
Me and Kim at Mt. Rushmore.
From Mt. Rushmore we drove east and stopped at Olde Glory Fireworks where I dropped nearly $100 on firecrackers. No jerky or Red Bull was available.
Further down the road we found ourselves in Wall South Dakota. Naturally, we made a stop at Wall Drug for Red Bull and jerky. Here I am on a dino! Here I am… Uh… Well, there I am! (what you can’t see is that there was a group of strangers off camera and they were all like “Man, who put the retarded guy on that thing??”)
Kim and Brandon rode a South Dakota Jackalope! Here’s a video of a snake oil salesman! Brandon and I played a prank on Kim! She had been riding in the back of the truck with Sadie the whole way, and while we were at Wall Drug, we left Sadie in the cab. Brandon bought some fake plastic dog poop, and ran it out to the truck while I kept Kim busy. When we were leaving, Kim opened her door, saw the fake poop on the seat, and she called SHOTGUN! Brandon and I were cracking up on the inside, but we were trying to get the most mileage out of the joke, so we kept fairly straight faces. We had Kim snowed! She totally thought Sadie took a dump in the truck! Also, here is a video clip of Kim eating a Root beer float.
I thought I was going to be able to bone my way across the US, but I think this was the most action I got on the whole trip. =(
We stopped at this Sinclair filling station for Red Bull and jerky.
We drove on late into the night until we hit Sioux City Iowa. There was some road construction going on and the detour made us miss our exit so we had some extra driving time that night, but it was ok because we were watching King of the hill on my Sega Game Gear!
More pictures here!
May 23, 2006 @ 2:35 pm
ur girl’s asian? umm filipino?
kool i wud wana go to mr.rushmore.
November 20, 2006 @ 12:50 pm
November 20, 2006 @ 12:53 pm
i am in art class and it really sucks ass. i’m bored so i am at this website.
December 7, 2006 @ 12:02 pm
what vthe fuksdf wtong qewiytrhgm yuhoiuyjh
March 21, 2007 @ 12:03 am
gday from australia we went to wall drug – awesome olde town – i liked the souvenir store in the middle – it look slike an old ghost town…….
May 24, 2007 @ 11:23 am
does this still work?????????
May 24, 2007 @ 11:23 am
it does…
March 4, 2008 @ 1:43 pm
who copied my name and wrote unscrupulously?