Jun 2 2006
thanks for your fealty!
Dear innernets,
I just survived 10 days without the innernets (unless you count dial-up, which I would much rather suffer 1,000 paper cuts to my peep than have to use dial-up again!) during an ISP transition, but as of Tuesday evening that was resolved. When I left for work after lunch yesterday my iMac G5 was running swell, but when I got home it was off and now refuses to boot up. And I don’t mean it has hard drive/software issues… I mean I hit the power button and NOTHING happens. That means I either wait for the Lincoln Road Apple Store to open up (later this month? NEXT month? August???) or con someone into taking me and my computer to one of the existing Apple retail stores in South Florida.
At that point one of the “Mac Geniuses” will tell me that my iMac is dead and it will cost about $900+ to fix it. I will be like “zOMG OH NOSE!!” and commit suicide or try to get a new credit card so I can buy a new computer. And the later is a srsly bad idea, considering that’s how I got this computer in the first place!
P.S.: I may or may not be back at some point, so keep checking in! Also, I might be able to make the occasional un-proofread/spell checked post (like this one.) from that place I get paid to be at 5 days a week. Or maybe I’ll get home from work today and my computer will decide to work again. Or maybe the Apple store will tell me I just need a new power supply and that will only be like $200 or something. Or maybe my computer is suffering from this and it will get fixed for free. (I’m not too confident about that since I had the mid-plane board replaced for free under warranty. They surely wouldn’t replace the broken piece with another one that would break months later, would they? I DON’T KNOW! (Imagine Pee~Wee Herman saying that ala Pee~Wee’s Big Adventure!)
Anyways, thanks for your fealty!
Oh, P.P.S.! You’re probably like “Hey, Chris… (I’ll kill you in the face if you actually call me that!) I thought you were some kind of computer/Mac nerd or something…? Don’t you have more than one computer??” Well, yes and no. My IBM ThinkPad has issues and the battery won’t charge. I have two batteries, but the power plug deal doesn’t do anything when I plug it into the computer. I had it fixed under warranty once, but I never bothered looking into it when it broke the 2nd time,and I eventually scavenged it for parts. My Quadra 800 is… Well, it’s a 33MHz Quadra 800. And I don’t have a monitor for it right now. Gene is actually running quite smoothly, but, like my Quadra, it’s so slow that using it is more frustrating that it’s worth. It had been serving up GotDangit.com quite nicely up until my ISP switch and I lost my static IP and I haven’t quite worked out the kinks in linking my domain to fanless.dyndns.org or whatever I decide to use.
Oh, and my PC… Well, two weeks ago I took the hard drive out of it and put it into my Tivo so I could save the entire season of the AMA Outdoor Nationals. I have 2 other 80GB drives with most of the 2004, 2005 and 2006 Supercross and Motocross seasons saved. Whenever I can’t remember something about those seasons or want to watch one of those races, I just swap the drives. Maybe I’ll go watch last year’s Orlando SX right now. I guess I could erase one of those drives, put it back into my eMachine and install Windows again, but I think I’ll just find something else to do until I can get a new drive or get my iMac fixed or something.
stupid computers
June 2, 2006 @ 11:51 am
I wondered what had happened. I was thinking that maybe you had not survived Memorial Day weekend. For what it’s worth, it sounds like a power supply problem to me.
June 3, 2006 @ 11:46 am
zOMG! Christian, you can borrow my powerbook but only if you’ll let me stalk you for life!
(Seriously, I feel your pain, man. Nothing more beautiful than the symphonic “ta-da” on boot up.)
June 5, 2006 @ 2:55 pm
I would only want to borrow your powerbook if you left your n00dZ on it!
I actually got my PC running, but my screen is so small it’s not making me want to spend too much time on the innernets.