Jun 21 2006
It’s time to play my favorite game, ARMPIT OR VAGINA!?!
I can’t believe today is the summer solstice! It seems like just last month I was saying “I can’t believe it’s 2K6 already!”
“Miami experiences sunrise at 6:30 a.m. on the 21st and sunset at 8:14 p.m. It’s maximums are 6:28 a.m. from June 6-12 and 8:16 p.m. from June 30-July 5.”
June 21, 2006 @ 3:36 pm
Looks like chicken!
June 21, 2006 @ 3:37 pm
Looks like chicken.
June 21, 2006 @ 10:43 pm
armpit but GROSS CROP. ps yes Critical went down for like five minutes today (creepy, i agree – it loaded “fully” but with a completely blank page). Stop hitting ‘refresh’ like a pavlov monkey and do some of that photoshops. Better yet, stick up for jipsy.
ps plese no more javascript tricks on my poor deranged firefox. Also, when I look at your blog for too long and then look away everything looks fucked up; is that on purpose?
June 21, 2006 @ 11:57 pm
I was at home for lunch and I tried to load CM and it wasn’t happening. I actually thought something was hosed with my innernets connection, but then I went back to work and CM was in red in my RSS feed reader (meaning it wouldn’t load) and at first I was like oh nose because I too use dreamhost and I made sure my super awesome totally ultra mega radical web site was still working and it was but then I thought ok, maybe I’m just loading a cached version, lemme try to update it to confirm and that’s when I made that post. (that wasn’t a run-on sentence at all)
And it’s funny you bring up Jipsy because I just had a chance to actually have a look at that site/those pictures about 20 minutes ago. At first glance I was like “Meh… These are pretty good, but I’m not drooling or anything.” Definitely how I’m always trying to make my pictures look, and for sure better than any of mine, but I’m just a fat lazy guy without a clue as to how to take pictures. I take like 78567656 shots, and hope that a handful will look ok, and then try to remember what exactly I did to make those few come out. Basically I usually want every picture I take to look like this, except maybe with a little more sharpness/definition. Blurred for sure, but not so blurred that you can’t tell what it is.
I had read the other people’s comments, and, by default, I usually believe that if a person is willing to be so vocal with their opinion, then they must really know what they’re talking about. Especially when it comes to art type things. That left me without much to say, in rebuttal or otherwise.
AND ALL THE WHILE I’m sitting here thinking to myself, man, I kind of put a lot of effort into getting those pics from last night on the innernets and I don’t think anyone even cared/bothered to look at them. Why did I feel the need to stay up so late to post them? Did being in the atmosphere add so much to the pictures for me that I thought others might be interested, only to not have that atmosphere transfer into the images themselves, leaving them just as blurred pictures of strangers? Inconsiderate strangers, even, honking their car horns and singing/chanting/cheering praise unto the Heat so late at night? HAD I DELUDED MYSELF INTO THINKING THAT MY PICTURES WERE SOMEWHAT COOL ENOUGH TO BE ON THE NET WHEN IN REALITY THEY’RE SO HORRIBLE THAT NOBODY EVEN HAS THE HEART TO TELL ME SO?
Obviously, feeling like that isn’t going to make me want to leave any sort of feedback on someone else’s pictures, good or bad.
Lastly, (WOW! Am I writing a book or what?) javascript gives me an erection and erections are good! I really, honestly, hope that my site will someday give someone an epileptic seizure. I think that would be amazing. Especially if they were at work! So to hear you say that is pretty much the best part of today.
And beyond that, I figure that if anyone is willing to deal with the colors, and keep coming back, kind of says a lot. Plus I love it when people say “Oh, you’re the guy with the pink website!”
June 22, 2006 @ 9:53 am
I love your photos! Somebody’s gotta get out there and brave the perils of HoBe!
Alesh, I also love Fanless.com/blog, but it takes forevAr to load on Safari and my Atlantic Broadband 600kbps — which is crazy.
I don’t have epilepsy but I have to take a xanax before looking at the color combo!
February 8, 2007 @ 5:03 pm
Nice..nice post.
July 7, 2007 @ 12:23 am
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! wbeclygmohdlsq
February 23, 2008 @ 7:41 pm