Jul 4 2006
end of (4) days
So here’s something somewhat interesting… I seem to have caught a cold!
On South Beach!
At the start of July!!
Do I have AIDS or something? How in the Tori Anus(.com) am I going to get sick this time of year? dumb
Here is something even more unbelievable/ridiculous:
187,552 page views last month? WHY? I might not pay it any mind if I didn’t have anything to compare it to. But I do! How in the Tori Anus(.com) am I going to get more hits than a site like CriticalMiami.com? It doesn’t make sense. The only thing I can think of that might make this so is that I probably have a lot more content. And by content, I mean pictures and videos and stuff. I’m sure my index page gets about 90% fewer hits.
I am going to try to get up to 200,000 hits for the month of August (and maybe July). That means I’ll probably be posting a bunch of pics from the Daytona and Orlando Supercrosses, and the Washougal National, if I figure out a way to go. I wonder if it can be done. I’m SURE it can be done if a hurricane comes through, but that’s assuming I don’t lose power for too long.
The FANLESS Homepage!! » this is pretty much the worst post ever made
September 1, 2006 @ 11:54 pm
[…] …so I’m sure that by now the innernets know that I’ve been with my uncle in Alaska hunting Wolverines for the past couple of weeks. Or maybe not. Maybe I was on my way to 8.5 a couple of Saturday nights ago when my past caught up with me and I had to do a little stint in the klink. Or maybe not. Maybe I just caught some sort of a malady, missed a couple of days of work, had my iMac G5 die on my for a 3rd time. The fact of the matter is… I CALLED IT! A couple of months ago I said I would reach 200,000 page views in the month of August, and I did it! Easily! And I didn’t even update my blog for the 2nd half of the month! Busiest month: Aug 2006 (221,955 requests for pages). What do you think of that? Maybe I’ll have this be the only post I make in September and see if I can hit 250,000! […]
September 19, 2006 @ 4:03 am
بشرى ساره يوجد عدد 200 كس غير صالØÂÙ‡ للاستخدام الجنسيقيمة الواØÂد هلله واØÂده