Jul 10 2006
Early Warning
I have a tentative plan to go riding at Markham Park on Saturday morning. I don’t know when exactly “morning” is, but I wouldn’t expect it to be before 9 AM. Carl says he is going… Raul is going/giving me a ride. I’m trying to get Brandon to go. He keeps saying he’s getting a new bike, but he’s been saying that for many weeks so I don’t know if it is ever going to happen. Raul will probably talk to Jack and maybe he will show up. It would be awesome if Chad went too.
July 10, 2006 @ 5:06 pm
It’s always great to get a few days’ notice. Thank you.
The FANLESS Homepage!! » Lincoln Road Apple Store and some digression about my friends.
July 11, 2006 @ 11:35 pm
[…] According to this post, the Lincoln Road Apple Store is opening on Saturday. I won’t be one of the first 1000 customers that gets a free t-shirt… I’ll be riding at Markham. I’m an idiot for making plans for Saturday on Monday! And the whole thing got started because I accidentally called Carl instead of Chad, and when Carl answered I was like… “Oh, uh… Hey, do you wanna go riding on Saturday??” instead of admitting my mistake. And then I called Raul and Brandon and told them that IT’S ON!! so I can’t back out now. Especially not to visit an Apple store opening. Speaking of Chad… I think he must be mad at me, but I have no idea why. I’ve left him like 6 messages to call me since Mother’s day, and he finally answered yesterday, but straight away he was like “Can I call you back?” and I was like sure. I’m still waiting for him to call me back! All I wanted to do was tell him that I got the beta of Gran Turismo 4 Online for PS2, and he can have it because my memory card is in West Palm so I can’t even really play it. I called Kim last night to see if Chad is mad at me or what, and when she answered straight away she was like “Can I call you back?” and I was like sure. I’m still waiting for her to call me back! I need new friends! But anyways… Back to the Apple Store… Have you seen the front of the new store?? I was wondering why they had all that scaffolding and stuff up there. I guess it looks ok. I’m kind of undecided. […]