Sep 27 2006
drama llama
In here we have some boondongle keychains internet drama. A must-have for this season’s fashion.
Even though and are pretty much the only blogs I visit (oh, and I wasn’t interested enough to actually read each of the comments all the way through. That meant I couldn’t really decide who I wanted to win the argument, so I did the most logical thing… I made a linkfight!
As you can see pretty much got p0wnt, which kind of bummed me out because I thought the premisses of the debate was pretty lame. Say what you want about online polls, but it’s still kind of fun to click on buttons and look at graphs.
But, you know… These innernets are zOMG SERIOUS BUSINESS!!
…and that gave me the brilliant idea of… A POLL!!
…and do you know what is even more ridiculous than arguing over online polls…? Getting Screech to promote your web hosting business!
That wasn’t even what I was going to type about, but I spent too long playing with linkfight and now I want to watch The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift!
Sep 29 2006
keel m3 n0w!
I am so over hearing crying kids!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 12 • Tags: Work