Sep 18 2006
Dear innernets,
Is this offensive??
Hey, at least today isn’t 9-11!
Also, why do I get so annoyed when people say 9-1-1 instead of 9-11?? I love Paul Harvey and all, but I about lose it when I hear him say “9-1-1”! It’s not 9-1-1! 911 is what you dial in an emergency! The date “9-1-1” was like 2005 years ago! If you’re referring to 9-11 it’s NOT 9-1-1!!
I will be posting on Miami Vegan tomorrow as part of the Miami Cross Blogination and at this point I have no idea what I will post there. PLZ ADVISE!!! This whole Cross Blogination thing feels like homework! And I never complete my homework on time. That’s probably why I never graduated from high school.
Also, in 30 minutes I will be walking over to Uncle Sam’s to pick up the new New Found Glory CD! I am so moist with anticipation!
Oh, P.S.: Manola will be providing the lulz here tomorrow (Tuesday)! ۞ Vegan and Vegetarian Blog Aggregator - VEGANMALL.INFO ۞
September 19, 2006 @ 7:28 am
[…] Post by The FANLESS Homepage!! […]
September 19, 2006 @ 8:35 am
Wow. What a fucking weird video. The two pieces of music they use hit you right between the eyes with the power of percussion.
Offfensive, no.
I get annoyed when peole say miami beach 4-11 instead of 411.
Good luck with your Vegan diet.
September 19, 2006 @ 10:33 am
Drums are cool and all, but I ment to say “the power of persuasion”. Oops! Damn spell check.
September 19, 2006 @ 2:49 pm
I usually just call it “MiJami Beesh Four Hundred and Eleven dawt kawm”.
October 19, 2006 @ 5:00 pm
هالا بلبابيش سكندر