Nov 1 2006
October produced better numbers than September, but I have a strong suspicion that August will reign king for at least 6 more months.
Oh, also… Happy birthday to my friend Phil Hanks! He’s 32 today.
Actually, I maybe shouldn’t say that. I haven’t seen or talked to the guy in over 13 years, so he may no longer be with us. But last I heard, the guy became a Mormon, got married and has kids. I think he lives in Utah, but Hawaii is in my brain too.
If you’re Philip Hanks from Othello Washington you should chime in with your whereabouts and what you’re up to. (Just don’t try to convert me!)
Phil, me, Rod Schutte! (circa 1987-8?)
Nov 1 2006
p0wnt by dreamhost!
…so I made the previous post while I was home for lunch, and then I went back to work. An hour or so later I noticed that my RSS feed wasn’t loading. When I got home I realized that zOMG MY CYTE HAZ B33N HAx0rZd!!!!
Except that it hadn’t. I was just getting the dreaded 404 for some reason.
The first thing I did was ftp in and straight away I noticed that /blog had been renamed “blog.DisabledByDreamhost”. I contacted dreamhost’s support and said WTF?? This is the reply I received:
I’m very sorry that you were not informed about this. It appears that
your blog was temporarily disabled because it was consuming too many
resources. Since your blog is receiving vast amounts of traffic and
relies heavily on PHP, we simply ask that you implement the following
WordPress caching-plugin to help prevent adversely affecting the server:
Please let us know if you have any other questions. Sorry about the
Consuming too many resources? ME? If by “resources” you mean Häagen-Dasz, Red Bull, and buffalo wings, then I can see your point. Thanks for looking out for me, but I’m perfectly ok with dying from a heart attack before next Saturday. I just don’t see what that has to do with my blog.
Oh, wait, no… My BLOG is consuming too many resources. Very interesting!
Ok, no problem. I figured it was something like that when I saw that it was Dreamhost that was doing the owning.
But here’s the funny thing… I just implemented that plugin 2 nights ago! OH NOSE!! If my blog is being disabled WITH the cache plugin, what happens next??
There is only one thing that can be done to keep my ultra mega über totally awesome website alive! You must stop visiting!
I’m serious, please do not come back to this web site ever again. If you’re an Arab or in Cairo Egypt or whatever and you’re looking for sex videos or sex cams and stuff, please look elsewhere.
If you’re a South Beach hottie and you’re telling all of your friends that “Christian gives good
headPhotoshop lessons! Check out his web site!!”, please stop! I mean, yeah… It’s true! But for the sake of the tubes that make up these innernets, please stop visiting, please don’t click on any of these links:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 13 • Tags:, LOL INNERNETS