Feb 19 2007
train wreck
For some reason I am hooked on listening to train wreck podcasts. I don’t mean podcasts about train wrecks… I’m talking about podcasts that are produced so badly that I can’t stop listening.
For example, a train wreck podcast might go something like this… “Today we’re going to talk about Application X. Ok, has anyone used Application X? …*crickets*… Okay, well I haven’t tried it but Application X is supposed to do x, y and z.
Ok, next we’re going to talk about the new version of Application n. Have you guys tried the new version? …*crickets*… Ok, well I had the old version of Application n on my old computer, but my dad sold it at our yard sale last summer. I hear that the new version is really great…”
The best part was when I was listening to AAM #45 and 6 minutes into it you hear someone say (talking over the person speaking) “Yeah?” … Can I have a minute?” to someone in the background and then they come back and ask to come on the podcast later on because they have to go eat dinner. LOLZ!!
Man, I am so glad I live on my own and get to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. Being growns up(.com!) is awesome!
Here are some iTunes/web page links to a few examples:
*WordPress talk – chris24.ca
*The Intarweb Show – chris24.ca
*N3Xtech – squenix.mattpippen.com/
*All About Mac Live – allaboutmaclive.com
*The Keaton Cast! – keatoncast.wordpress.com
*Ubuntu podcast – UbuntuOS.com (this one is getting better)
YMI Podcasting is a great source for potential train wreck podcasts. I realize that most of them are done by kids, and frankly, no, I couldn’t do any better. But… That’s pretty much why I don’t have my own podcast.
P.S.: I’m not trying to hate! (and if you’re going to take my words that way, then at least spin it, improve your game, make awesome podcasts and make me look like an idiot. Please!)
February 20, 2007 @ 4:44 pm
Just so you know, these podcasts are presented live, and so they aren’t nearly perfect. I’m sure they realize this.. Also, .ca’s aren’t bad, especially because the podcast is based in canada, i think. Anyway, Why is this blog pink and green?
by the way, your sidebar is way too long! I think you need to get a life and give people a chance! They are just kids, and maybe you should try out live podcasting, i’ve tryed it, its hard, and the service doesn’t provide great quality. Plus, in the chris24.ca podcasts, he claims to be getting higher-quality recording. Give them a chance, and I Listened to the ymi podcasts, they aren’t all so bad… GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE!!!!
February 20, 2007 @ 4:49 pm
You are putting others’ down… YOU NEED TO GET BETTER AT WHAT YOU DO!!!!
Give People a chance, after all… Everyone is giving you a chance with this site….
February 20, 2007 @ 4:56 pm
As your title of the blog says “FANLESS”
That is what you are…
And if you’d like to check out some real TRASH>>>>> Check this out>>>> http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TS-8922.mp3
Go GET A LIVE PODCAST, and see how hard it is!!!!!
February 20, 2007 @ 5:17 pm
I was honestly expecting comments like these. That’s why I added links to the sites instead of just iTunes links.
I can admire the ambition these kids have, but the end result still seems embarrassingly bad to me. They mostly seem to be too “me too”. The inspiration for some of these podcasts is obscenely obvious, if not blatantly pointed out in the podcast itself. FLOSS Talk? Buzz Live?Add some originality.
Anyways, what more do you want from me? I’m listening to the podcasts, aren’t I?
February 20, 2007 @ 5:21 pm
Where did you find these Train Wreck podcasts?
February 20, 2007 @ 5:24 pm
Hey, Nice List… Just wait till the hosts gets on here….
February 20, 2007 @ 5:45 pm
I’m noticing this post has got 1% popularity. Great! I must agree with daniel, your sidebar is WAY too long, and it includes a lot of shit..
February 20, 2007 @ 6:34 pm
These (and a whole lot of other) podcasts are complete trainwrecks, you’re truly right. And I think it’s hilarious how complete strangers to you are defending them and criticizing you, as if you’re trying to market a podcast or a blog of your own as anything more than a personal blog. I think your sidebar is fine, anyway, and I’ve grown to love your colors. The real trainwreck will indeed come if/when they look at their referrer URLs and find this post. Lollerz!!
February 20, 2007 @ 9:37 pm
Frankly, why the hell are we giving this shitty website a chance at all? It doesn’t make any fucking sense! The sidebar should be cut as small as this guys dick, but then I guess it would be too small, a one inch sidebar isn’t big enough. And green and pink? What the fuck were you thinking? Is this a site for gay transsexuals like you? I mean, making a blog is one thing, but having a site just so you and your dog and can look at it in between fucking each other is ridiculous!
Thanks for listening to me, now go fuck your dog again.
February 20, 2007 @ 9:50 pm
Is that all you got?
P.S.: My dog says hi!
February 21, 2007 @ 2:19 pm
Notice how rather than improve their shitty podcasts, they just attack you for pointing out their obvious sucktitude.
February 21, 2007 @ 4:02 pm
I am “Chris24” of a few podcasts mentioned…
I Just want to let you know, I can accept the fact that you don’t like my podcasts for their quality, but you also have to take into consideration, as other commenters’ have said… These are Live podcasts (most of them) and anything can happen. As far as the quality of these podcasts, we record our podcasts on talkshoe.com, where they record for us, and the quality isn’t so great… However, soon, I will be getting “Audio Hijack Pro” to record my podcasts in high-quality.. As far as the randomness, and potential rudeness of some guests, I can’t help it. It is really fun to podcast live, you should try making one, just one episode, just for fun..
I Couldn’t care less if you don’t like my podcasts, I enjoy them, and thats why I do them. Everything else is bonus.
Also, YMI Podcasting is a network to promote others’ podcasts on the network, it is a network of podcasters from Talkshoeâ„¢, the live podcasting service. If you compare our podcasts to others’ podcasts on TalkShoe.com, you will see our podcasts are better than most..
Comments on other comments….
The Sidebar is too long on the single post pages, but on the main page its a good length… That’s what I think matter’s most 🙂 The Pink and Green is a little annoying, but I’ve adjusted already 😉
By The Way, I found this site from my Trackback links, and Google Alerts.. The Commenter “Brad” was right…
That’s All From Me….
February 21, 2007 @ 4:34 pm
I agree with Chris. Who cares if you don’t like it? You’re a blogger, it’s what you do, you express your own opinion, and if this you’re opinion than “woo-hoo” for you, you’re able to own a domain and type. I don’t do this to make money (even though I do) I do it to have fun. The quality is only bad because talkshoe wishes not to provide enough memory to have a high quality recordings. And “James”, if that is your real name, why give this guy attention? He’ll just continue bashing people for trying something out. Obviously he thinks he is a tough-guy considering his comment on your post. You can listen to it if you want, but don’t whine about it:
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Host of Play and Click
February 21, 2007 @ 10:11 pm
Thank you for your concern. I agree that many of the podcasts you have listed lack the production quality of many professionally produced podcasts. As you stated, many of them are children and unfortunately do not have the funds nor the experience of many podcasters on the market today. One thing these young podcasters do have however is content. While not every show is filled with tasty nuggets of priceless information, overall they can be quite informative, despite the poor production values.
I think your metaphor of “train wreck” is slightly misguided. You cited Chris24 three times and I can understand if he takes your post as a personal attack. I too have listened to many of his podcasts and find them quite interesting. I think that young people such as Chris24 should be encouraged to be doing something they enjoy, it’s better than some of the other things kids his age are involved in.
YMIpodcasting network was created to help the members improve their shows. We exist as a network not to encourage poor production values, but to help each other improve. It is a young network, younger than many of the members, but it is improving and hopefully one day we will meet your expectations.
I’m somewhat older than many of the kids in the network and when they informed me of this post I was a little disappointed. I have my own podcast and will be the first to tell you that it is terrible. When people tell me they listen to it, I ask them why theyt are waisting their time. Part of the reason we keep blogs and have email addresses associated with our shows is so that we will be able to receive feedback from you, the listener. We all want to hear from our listeners so we as hosts can make the necessary changes to our shows and hopefully improve.
I think I speak for almost everyone at YMI when I say that we want to hear your particular concerns. If you have suggestions about how we could improve our shows, please tell us directly, most of us are easy to find.
February 23, 2007 @ 12:21 pm
Allow me to continue where my colleague left off. Before TalkShoe, podcasts required much more equipment and knowledge to produce. TalkShoe allows anyone with a phone and an internet connection to produce their own podcast. Currently there are nearly 2000 different shows on TalkShoe. Do all of them exceed your production value criteria, or is it just Chris24 that fails?
If you go back to the beginning and listen to the first shows and compare them to the most recent episode, you are likely to see a marked improvement. Certainly some things don’t change, but for the most part, it gets better.
Your example of someone having to excuse themselves for dinner during the show is not a good example of Chris24’s poor production value. TalkShoe centers around audience participation and as a result, unexpected events are likely to occur. The interactivity is what makes TalkShoe so appealing to potential hosts. As hosts, we are freed from the burden of overly preparing and reading from a script, and have the opportunity to interact with our listeners. As a result, the quality of content is increased as the podcast is no longer projecting a single individual’s opinions, but a community of opinions.
I think you could do better. You clearly have an understanding of what a poor podcast is and I encourage you to create your own. Perhaps you could create your own network to rival YMI or simply create an audio blog. You seem like a very opinionated individual and perhaps TalkShoe can help you voice them to a greater audience and help you connect with other like minded individuals. Of course you run the risk of someone who doesn’t like your show blogging about how much it sucks. You should not be afraid of such things. Talkshoe is about community and as a community, we want to help you.
February 28, 2007 @ 4:13 am
Just found your site in the Incoming Links on the UbuntuOS website.
I’m not mad or annoyed at all that you think our podcast is very amateurish. I agree; we spend one hour a fortnight interacting on Skype, and we have a set schedule of things to talk about so we don’t often deviate from it. And we have no radio training 🙂
However, on the Ubuntu Podcast, we do make an effort to run the programs we review – for instance, when I reviewed Virtualbox, I had run several operating systems in it. When Sal reviews a KDE program, he’s used it. On Linux it’s sometimes technically difficult to upgrade to the absolute latest version, so keep that in mind.
Thanks for mentioning that we’re getting better 🙂
November 8, 2007 @ 9:50 am
I couldn’t understand some parts of this article train wreck, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.