Jun 4 2007
4 Year Old MX Champion
First off, skip the first 30 seconds of this video. I have no idea what they were thinking by putting that animation in there.
Next, LOLLERZ at this kid’s trophy being bigger than he is!!
Third, if you’re tubby then watch the video, but don’t read any further. Especially if you’ve ever thought about letting me sleep with you. Yes, I know I’m a jackass. That’s why God put me here!
4 Year Old MX Champion
Heaven forbid that I ever knock some girl up and have to become a dad (especially a fat girl! Man, I SO DO NOT WANT to be the father for a fat girl’s kid!! I mean, I’m not trying to hate on fat girls… Obviously if there is a possibility of me being a fat girl’s kid, then I like fat girls enough to fuck them. But to have to wake up next to a fat girl every day and say “Yeah, that’s our kid…” would be… Not good! This was actually the subject of a long conversation at Felt the other night. And it’s not just fat girls… You could actually substitute the word “fat” with “lazy/messy/dumb/???” or even a smoker. And now that I’ve said all of that, I’m sure I’ll end up having to marry a lazy, messy, dumb, fat smoker girl! I better keep my shit in check!! Also, HOLY ULTIMATE ASIDE, or what? The kid’s mom in this video made me go off on fat girls. I know tons of super rad fat girls and I will fuck them, I just don’t want to have to be married to them!), but if that should happen I hope my kid won’t still need training wheels when he/she’s 4 years old!
Someone needs to get this kid in Thor gear, because he hauls!!
June 6, 2007 @ 6:59 pm
August 19, 2016 @ 12:10 am
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