Jul 20 2007
…so someone emails me 2 word documents that they want printed as posters, and I email them back saying we don’t print from Word and to please send a PDF or jpeg or whatever.
So then the brainiac calls me and the conversation went something like this…
Me: Well, we don’t print Word documents… I need a PDF or some sort of graphic file.
Them: Ok, if I bring you the file on a USB drive can you print it?
Me: Uh… Will it still be a Word document?
Them: Yes!
Me: No, we don’t print Word documents… I need a PDF or some sort of graphic file.
Them: Oh, you don’t print Word documents?
Me: …? No, we don’t.
Them: ok.
July 22, 2007 @ 8:44 am
In my younger days I often found myself on the other end of this conversation. I remember thinking, “why wouldn’t you print from the format that 99% of the people in the universe use?!”
Of course now I understand all the issues. Still . . . couldn’t you set up a WinXP box with acrobat, tell dude to save the word file and ANY FONTS he’s using, and help him make the PDF?