Dec 7 2007
I am an appendix.
When it comes to circles of friends, I always end up feeling like the human appendix. You know, a remnant of evolution that keeps hanging around, and nobody knows why? Do you know what I’m saying?
It’s like this… A group of friends start out pretty tight, and doing EVERYTHING together. Everything is awesome! Then someone gets a boy/girlfriend from outside of the circle, and tries to pull them into it, and often it just doesn’t work. Or worse, 2 people from within the circle pair up, and they end up doing their own thing together, while still rolling with the crew. For example, your circle of friends goes to the county fair together, but then the pair wants to check out the tunnel of love, and everyone else in the group wants to go to the rodeo and it ends up being not such a great time.
And then before you know it, everyone from your circle of friends is paired up with someone, except for you. Everyone else’s friendship has evolved, except for yours. And you’re there, trying to organize a snowboarding trip for the crew like back in the day, but it’s not coming together because by now they have kids and in-laws they need to entertain, and you’re left feeling like an appendix.
the end.
December 7, 2007 @ 9:33 am
It’s an ugly part of the human condition, my friend. CF 1929’s “Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine.”
Still sucks, though.
December 7, 2007 @ 4:20 pm
Oh, I don’t think it has to be an ugly thing, at all. Human connections ARE part of the human condition. Who among us wants to be snowboarding alone, forever? And who better to pair up with than someone you already consider to be a friend?
And, hey, I’m not really sure why I have an appendix, but I’m darn sure that I love mine dearly and wouldn’t want to have to live without it. It would awful if my appendix abandoned me simply because I wanted to follow my heart. We should not have to choose between one of our precious organs and another.
December 9, 2007 @ 8:38 am
I totally get what you’re saying. I was thinking something similar recently but to be honest on a longer time scale. Ever feel like you went somewhere and everyone left best friends except you? That’s how I feel when I realize my “friends” from grad school are going to each others weddings, etc, and I find out only when I see the pics on facebook that people actually got married.
December 11, 2007 @ 12:23 pm
Fanless! You sure as hell didn’t contact us (Chad & I ) to go snowboarding!? It was great seeing you the other day, even if it was in passing. give us a call 🙂
December 14, 2007 @ 7:00 pm
I have sometimes felt like the third wheel … I’ve experienced several transitional groups like this on Miami Beach over the years. BUt true friends stay true no matter what, even if they live out of town.