Jul 5 2009
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-05
- Getting pizza at Steve's! #
- I am bummed I can't find a good twitter client for the Nokia N810. @Mauku is ok, but I want to click links!! #
- @mike3k Thanks!!! in reply to mike3k #
- Someone found my blog by searching for "why would a hospital hold someone in er room 34 hours". http://skitch.com/t/uh9 #
- People should @ me if they want to be my top friend. #
- Just made @lafoxywa a Top Friend on Power Twitter #
- Just made @Tere_Tere a Top Friend on Power Twitter #
- @Phatemokid Yes! You are a top friend! in reply to Phatemokid #
- It's amazing what cropping an image can do! http://urod.ru/news/13314 #
- I'm glad I wasn't around this guy on June 25th! Or ever, really.
http://bit.ly/10Vzwd # - @hhedberg Cool, thanks! I didn't know I could do that. in reply to hhedberg #
- I'm watching Nascar on TNT with RaceBuddy on NASCAR.COM. Come join me at: http://tnt.tv/sports/nascar/racebuddy09 #
- I killed 29 fail whales on this funny Twitter game. Have you played? http://bit.ly/ABLwE @diefailwhale #
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July 12, 2009 @ 8:50 am