Feb 2 2008
Posts by FANLESS :
Jan 31 2008
Reason #1 to not get married or have kids!
I received an interesting email from one of my mom’s cousins tonight…
Apparently, I have to pay $60/year to be in the family. Funny, this is the first I’ve heard of these “dues”. I don’t plan on paying. I wonder if I’ll get kicked out of the family? If nothing else, I have a new reason to not show up at the family reunion. “Oh, sorry… I forgot to pay my dues, so now I can’t go. Maybe I’ll see you in 2014??” This is also a tremendous reason to not get married or have kids… “But if we get married, then you’ll have to pay $60/year to be a part of our family!”
I received an interesting phone call last night. Two friends that don’t call nearly as often as I would like, rang me up to ask why I didn’t tell them about my girlfriend. Naturally, I was like… What? They read off a couple of lines, named a couple of names and web sites and things kind of started to fall into place. It was not exactly easy to set them straight. It should have been an amazingly LOLlerrific misunderstanding, but instead I found it rather annoying. There’s actually a lot of such chatter going around, and that’s what I find annoying. And, sadly, I can’t say I didn’t have my hand in its creation… I thought I was helping create some lulz, but it has kind of turned around and kicked my ass. Oh well. It’s not a big deal, and I’ll take that over almost anything else, any day! Things could be a lot worse.
Speaking of lulz, I think I have some here. They might seem fairly vague, and the lulz might be kind of hard to find without any sort of explanation, so feel free to ask about them if you wish.
Lastly, Carl is going to be on some bootleg underground local radio station (97.7) today (Thursday) at 6PM, offering some relationship advice or something like that. You know, Dr Phil/Dr. Drew type stuff. He said it’s meant to be funny and not serious, so you should check it out!
By FANLESS • lulz • 7 • Tags: Carl, Family Reunion, lulz, myskitch, NO GIRLFRIEND YOU ASSHOLES
Jan 26 2008
OK, I’m a novice!
Carl has a blog and he’s in this Levi’s commercial! Is that awesome or what?
By FANLESS • videos • 0 • Tags: Carl, hyperkite, Levi's, Miami Beach, youtube
Jan 25 2008
Can I blame it
Remember when you were a little kid and your mom would buy you a dope new pair of the best slip resistant shoes (not some crappy Pro Wings or Traxx or whatever PayLess sold! you wear those in my neighborhood, and you’re asking for an ass kicking!) and all of a sudden you could run way faster and jump higher? Well, the same kind of thing happened to me the other day when my internet connection at home started working again after 5 days of not! All of a sudden, I was happier and small things that had been bringing me down were non-existent. It was awesome and I was smiling. But not now.
Have you ever been asked a question where the answer is in the question? Not necessarily a leading question, and not one where you can tell that a person is fishing for something, but one where, knowing the person asking the question, you kind of know which side of the answer you should err? Well, I was asked one such question a few nights ago, and I instantly knew what I thought they wanted to hear me say, but that wasn’t exactly the truth. I mean, giving them the answer that I think they wanted to hear probably would have gotten me at least one step closer (possibly a GIGANTIC step!) to yielding something I have been trying to make happen for a short while, but I just couldn’t give them that answer. And it’s kind of been bothering me ever since.
I think it’s important to be honest, not just with other people, but with yourself too. In this instance, nobody else would have benefited from me giving the answer I thought the question asker wanted to hear me say. It was kind of a question like, “Do you like pink or green more?” where clearly they wanted me to say pink, because… Otherwise, why would they have asked me? And I could have said pink and no damage would have been done, and I would have been able to pass Go, but it was important to me to be truthful and say green. Of course, I was able to back up my answer with an explanation, and I don’t think I took any steps backwards, but it would have been so simple to give the answer I thought they wanted to hear me say. But I didn’t.
I hate kicking my own ass so much!
I’m sorry, I failed to remember the point I was trying to make with all of this typing. Normally, I would expect this to indicate that I’m over it, but I don’t feel like I am.
Oh well.
P.S.: Do you remember this? Well, it was reduced to 13 cans of Monster Kaos by the time it hit my hands, and now those are gone!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: lots of things
Jan 23 2008
Plain White T’s
I was trolling the innetnets for lulz and I found this instead.
Plain White T’s: Proof that you don’t have to look good to make it in the music industry!
Just kidding.
Well, not really…
And here we have New Found Glory!
By FANLESS • videos • 1 • Tags: Beautiful Girls, New Found Glory, Plain White T's, Sean Kingston, video
Jan 11 2008
christian got low low low low low (and still is)
…so there I am, trying to plan an exit strategey, when this pops up on my screen. I click the link and watch the video. Well, there’s a video in that video that I decided I might want to see, so I tried finding it. (if you have a URL for this video, please pass it on to me. I gave up rather quickly. oh hay I found it!!)
Instead, I found these gems!
First of all, I am happy this video exists! It’s not what I was after, but it kind of works for me! I might even be tempted to say I WOULD!!! but I’m not going to because for all I know, that’s a man, man.
Now we move into the area where I have to ask myself, “Am I going to go to jail for watching all 5+ minutes of this??” I hope not!
I really don’t get why people are willing to put videos like this on the net!
Ok, this one is kind of funny, in a mocking kind of way…
Of course, it only gets worse from there…
These are so incredibly WRONG!!
I must be getting old. =(
By FANLESS • videos, youtube • 2 • Tags: Flo Rida, Low, videos, youtube
Jan 9 2008
Dave Attell at the South Beach Comedy Festival
Dear internet,
I am wanting to see Dave Attell at the South Beach Comedy Festival next week, but I don’t want to go alone. Do you want to go with me?? Tickets are not exactly cheap, but I imagine it will be worth it. And if you have a hook-up for tickets, I’m not really willing to say I’m the Iron Chef of sucking cock, but I AM willing to say that I have never had any complaints! So please keep that in mind when comp tickets are being passed out! I really want to go!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: comedy, Dave Attell, Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, South Beach, South Beach Comedy Festival
Jan 8 2008
Announcing a presence
I hope this is obvious by now, and if it isn’t, then that’s my fault for being too lazy to say anything, but… The lovely Balou is now making blog posts on this here site. In case you didn’t know/notice, she made these posts. You should give her good comment. She deserves it! (No, that’s not a typo/bad grammar. Yes, that’s what I meant to say!)
At some point I’m going to find a WordPress theme that shows the by line, and supports tags. Until then, you have to deal with the site being half-hosed. I’m (kinda) sorry.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: holy crap I just figured out how to add tags zOMG!!!
Dec 27 2007
What happens when you admire someone so much that you would give them anything to make them happy, and the one thing they want is something you have, but you don’t think it’s the right thing for them? This is a conundrum, yeah? How do you fix it?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2
Dec 26 2007
Life can be kind of funny, and I don’t necessarily mean in a LOL WHAT kind of way. I had a blog post half written/outlined in my head about something that had been consuming a lot of my brain power lately, and a series of events that, depending on how much you read into it, may or may not even have been events at all, let alone related to each other. But to me, they were important events and they were related for a reason. I was having a hard time figuring out if my view on the matter was legitimate/realistic, but I was unable to put myself in anyone else’s shoes to get their point of view. Then this morning I had a pretty important realization that helped make some other pieces fall into place, which was exactly what I was hoping for by making the blog post in the first place.
BUT… Instead you’re reading this post because, like I said, life can be kind of funny.
So there you are, skating along at a pretty good clip, full of pride, and feeling really good about pretty much everything. I mean, you’re mostly unstoppable now. Nobody can derail you. A juggernaut, really. But then YOU slip. Nobody pushes you. You don’t hit a patch of bad ice… You make the mistake yourself, and you fall. HARD! And you lose your breath. And your eyes almost well up. And the embarrassment rolls in, along with an unbelievable amount of disappointment in yourself. Because you know this place. You’ve been here before. The shame makes you wear your hat low over your eyes, because there is no way you can face anyone at that point. And that thing that had been taking up so much of your brain space is shattered and probably gone forever. And if it’s not gone forever, then it’s changed in a way that you never wanted. And there is no reset button to press. No undo keystroke to go back in history. And the worst part of all is that you KNEW what you were doing, and you knew that it maybe wasn’t such a smart thing to do, but you did it anyways. And you did it to such an UNDESERVING person. Because you’re a goon.
I think the worst thing about doing something to someone or disappointing someone is that you don’t do it to just them. You do it to them, and everyone that has their back. And in this case, the people that have this person’s back mean a lot to me too. And I was supposed to be one of those people that has this person’s back. I guess my actions show that I don’t. And that adds another layer of disappointment. And you’re searching and searching for a reset button that you know isn’t there. And all you can really do is say you’re sorry, but the fact of the matter is that if you were really sorry, you never would have done the thing in the first place, right?
This has happened before, and I’m sure it will happen again. It had been so long since this last happened… So long since I’ve felt this terrible, I think I really believed that I would never have to feel this way again. I guess I thought I had enough things figured out that I would be able to avoid ever having to feel like this. Clearly, I was wrong.
And I’m still sorry.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0
Mar 10 2008
South bound.
South bound., originally uploaded by FANLESS.
Driving home!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3