Dec 16 2007
Posts by FANLESS :
Dec 14 2007
Please tell us about your capital project management experience in chemical plants.

Please tell us about your capital project management experience in chemical plants., originally uploaded by FANLESS.
Field Service Incentive Plan offered.
Drafters will check drawings , MUST be proficient with using AutoCad and
have experience with SolidWorks.
You will execute large and complex technical projects, including
supervision of project staff and report preparation. Monitors critical
HVAC and mechanical equipment points, utility meters, and energy
monitoring systems. Do you have experience in thermoforming?
A specialty chemical manufacturer needs a Project Engineer with
instrumentation and controls experience.
Initiates action plans for problem resolution.
Salary benefits, bonus, and relocation are commensurate with experience
Describe Please describe your knowledge of the Greater Seattle area and
Key Leaders in the industry.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: Uncategorized
Dec 10 2007
Best party of the year!!
Hole. Lee. Kwap!! Can I just say, BEST PARTY OF THE YEAR!? I was at it. Tonight! It was awesome!!
So, tonight was the Christmas party, and it was awesome! It wasn’t next level in the sense of bare titties… I mean breasts! being showed… Or privates being showed, in general… But it was very Next Level as far as the people that I got to meet!
Number 1: I was happy that I got to talk with Rick from again! He’s one of my favorites! Aslo, I was stoked that I FINALLY got to meet Alex, too.
Number 2: I got to meet Miami Fever!! I have such a super hard boner for his pictures!! I mean, his pictures make me want to NEVER touch a camera again because I KNOW that I can’t go next level like he does, and it kind of bums me out. But his pictures don’t bum me out at all! They’re all A+++!
Number 3: Actually, number 3 and 4 are a toss-up between Restaurant Gal and Sara from All Purpose Dark. I think RG was a a tiny bit stoked that I was familiar with her blog, but Sara went Next Level by dropping an F-bomb! I love girls that aren’t afraid to tell it how it is. Especially if it includes swearing!!
Number 5: zOMG I MET DAN RENZI FROM MTV’s REAL WORLD!!1!!1oneOneONE ELEVEN11!!! So, we’re going around the room, and everyone is introducing themselves, and this guy that I hadn’t yet seen, but was sitting 4 people down from me, stands up and says “Hello, I’m Dan… I write for the Miami New Times and I apologize for… blah blah blah.” My point being, he didn’t say he was on The Real World, and I was like… “WTF?? This dude looks familiar… HOLY CRAP!!! Is that Dan from the Real World: Miami??” Then I asked a couple of people I was sitting next to if that was the dude, and nobody knew, but then Sara confirmed and I think a little paternal cool whip came out at that moment! Because… Nobody knows what it was like for me to be in college in Walla Walla Washington, watching The Real World: Miami, and thinking about how cool those people were, even if they started out as regular Joe’s, for the most part. I mean, I think (as in, I’m 99/9% SURE) I still have the entire season on VHS!! Seriously, before I came to Miami, everything I knew about Miami came from Miami Vice and The Real World! In fact, if not for The Real World, I maybe never would have came here in the first place! So that was kind of a big deal to me, but I never really talked to him, because I didn’t want to be all… “Remember that time when you said XYZ to Flora?? OMG THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!!” Or whatever. I don’t know… You can say what you will, but it was neat to me!
Other than that, I mostly hung out with my usual crew… Tere, Maria, Yvette, and Scott.
Obviously, Gus and Michelle deserve MAJOR PROPS for organizing this party, and, most of all, footing the bill! I hope it was worth it for them, because it was for sure worth it to me!
Actually, to make it wort it to them, how about checking out Maybe even sign up and post in the forums! I’ve made a whopping 2 posts there myself! I dare you to try to top me!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 10 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS, South Beach
Dec 9 2007
Rudolph the Five-legged Reindeer!
I know this is old, but I love it so much it is pretty much the only reason I am able to survive the rest of the year.
Well, maybe not… But I present to you: Rudolph the Five-legged Reindeer!
Also, if you’re going to find this video offensive then you should probably not watch it.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 7 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, videos
Dec 8 2007
Family Force 5 Really Real Show
Family Force 5 Really Real Show
Here’s an episode of the Really Real Show that was filmed in Miami on the day Brandon and I saw Family Force 5.
20 more episodes of the Really Real Show can be found here! I think you should watch all of them.
P.S.: I hope it’s obvious how UNserious these guuys are about themselves!
I love Family Force 5 and the Really Real Show SO MUCH!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS, videos
Dec 8 2007
the up in miami done been hooked.
“Can you send me a signed photo of you. I started racing in oct. And i ride suzuki.”
My eyes; they rolled.
And me; I LOL’d!
P.S.: Here you go, Chandler!
It’s almost 3 years old, but it’s the best I am willing to do. ENJOY!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags:, LOL INNERNETS, Motocross
Dec 7 2007
almost the prodigal son.
If I were a better son, I would be in Othello Washington right now.
Instead, I’m about to go paint the town red once again. Because that’s how I roll, I guess.
Here’s a picture from Family Xmas one year ago.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 6 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL, Pictures
Dec 7 2007
I am an appendix.
When it comes to circles of friends, I always end up feeling like the human appendix. You know, a remnant of evolution that keeps hanging around, and nobody knows why? Do you know what I’m saying?
It’s like this… A group of friends start out pretty tight, and doing EVERYTHING together. Everything is awesome! Then someone gets a boy/girlfriend from outside of the circle, and tries to pull them into it, and often it just doesn’t work. Or worse, 2 people from within the circle pair up, and they end up doing their own thing together, while still rolling with the crew. For example, your circle of friends goes to the county fair together, but then the pair wants to check out the tunnel of love, and everyone else in the group wants to go to the rodeo and it ends up being not such a great time.
And then before you know it, everyone from your circle of friends is paired up with someone, except for you. Everyone else’s friendship has evolved, except for yours. And you’re there, trying to organize a snowboarding trip for the crew like back in the day, but it’s not coming together because by now they have kids and in-laws they need to entertain, and you’re left feeling like an appendix.
the end.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 5 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL
Dec 6 2007
Here we have some holiday lulz courtesy of Balou!
(L2R:Kevin, Yvette, ME!, and Maria.)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Dec 5 2007
thanks for the lulz, and LOL J/K about the terrorist thing!
You may have seen some of the comments I get on this dumb blog, and thought… “WTF?” Right? I mean, I know that’s what I think! Surely you know what I’m talking about. They’re typed in the terrorist language, and include an email address and/or a phone number where you’re supposed to contact someone for sex.
For a while I’ve been wondering who the mental giants are that keep posting these comments, and why they keep posting them to MY blog. (I mean, as far as I know, isn’t exactly a pussy magnet, is it?? If so, why aren’t my privates perpetually wet??) Tonight, this comment was posted, and it included a link! I clicked on it and got some lulz!!
I may not be the best person to offer macking advice; I’m not exactly throwing a bone every night, but I’ have this to say to sameh:
D00D!! If you stop telling people you have a “bug dick” (before they find out on their own), then you might actually get to put it to use! And then you can stop trolling for ladies at, OK?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags:, LOL INNERNETS
Dec 4 2007
Take my money, plz!
So there I am, feeling a need for some fresh gear. But me being me, that means I’m after hoodys, t-shirts and hats from some somewhat obscure companies. My first destination on the web was I’ve been stoked on their stuff for the past couple of years, and their hook-ups are always generous. The only problem…? It seems that they have let their domain name lapse, and nobody has logged into their myspace account in months. C’mon, Dana! What’s the deal??
That being out of the way, I decided to see if Jay Quinlan had updated his web site. He hadn’t. I wanted to cry. It’s December, folks… I need my sled fix!! And that’s where things really started going downhill! I clicked on every single one of the links to Jay’s sponsors with the idea of spending some of my money. Here are the results:
•Red Bull – They don’t sell Red Bull branded stuff. The only way you can get Red Bull swag is to be sponsored by them, or be in tight with someone who is, and you steal it from them.
•Ski-doo – I’m after less known stuff, not corporate! Didn’t bother looking, but I expect their designs to be pretty weak.
•SCS Racing – SCS stands for “Sierra Club Sucks”. I can’t say that I fully agree, but I can see where they’re coming from. I would love to rock some SCS gear, but…? THEIR STORE IS B0RKED!!! Palm, meet forehead!
•Blown Concepts – Cool logo, but no gear for sale. I think their site has said “Coming soon” for well over a year now.
•Rath Films – Don’t get me started on them again.
•Ogio – Another company that I’m down with. I’ve bought a few bags from them, but… They don’t have any clothing. They’re a bag company. I guess it makes sense.
•Fox Racing Shox – Ok, they have some stuff that I want, BUT… I have a Rock Shox fork and a Romic shock. That would be kind of like wearing a pair of Nikes with Adidas socks. It’s just not right. But I’ll keep them in mind.
•Arctiva – I live in Florida, so most of their stuff is overkill for me. Their limited casual line is ok, but I can’t order online.
•Compound Films – I was ready to get my credit card out when I saw that they had a functioning store with clothing! But then I noticed that everything was sold out. Real tears started to well up!
•Sly Dog Skis – No clothing.
•Universal Motocross -I’m familiar with Universal, and I would wear their shirts and stuff, but… They only sell their stuff through dealers. The money is in my pocket right now. I don’t want to have to track down a dealer and then get to the store only to find out that they don’t have what I’m after. DIRECT ONLINE SALES, PLEASE!!
God, why is it so hard for me to spend my money? Anyways, continuing on…
•Grenade Gloves -OH. FUCK. YES! FINALLY, someone ready to take my money!! So, I’ve been down with Danny Kass for about a million years or so. I mean, we’re not tight or anything, but he’s a guy that I feel ok about giving my money to. And, are you kidding me?? $9.25/t shirt?? Jesus, Christ! That’s the type of shit that will make me fall in love with you! Seriously!! $71.50 SPENT! Thank you for taking my money, Danny!
That should have been it, but I ended up heading over to, and I got a shirt and a hat. It’s my understanding that Jay isn’t down with Slednecks anymore, and they’re not exactly obscure, in the snowmachine world, but… I’m still happy to wear their stuff and watch their videos.
Speaking of videos… Any of the Turnagain Hardcore videos would make an excellent Christmas present, just so you know!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Motocross, Riding
Dec 19 2007
Super moist with anticipation!
I can not wait to see this movie! Only 1 month to go.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 4