Jan 5 2007
Posts by FANLESS :
Jan 4 2007
hello internet
Hello Internet,
My iMac G5 is still dead and I amfinding much resistance in the path to a replacement.
Strings may need to be pulled, and favors will probably be cashed in, but I am confident in my destination.
Please update me on how your internets are doing.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: IRL, Uncategorized
Jan 1 2007
New Jeers!
Once again, my iMac G5 is dead. =( This is now the 4th time (3rd time since May!). I was laying on the couch today, watching Nebraska lose, and all of a sudden I heard the Mac startup chime. If I wasn’t oh-so-familiar with the situation I might have thought my apartment had a ghost.
The poor machine won’t stay running for any amount of time. It just shuts off with no warning.
There SHOULD be a claim number for this computer on file with Apple stating that I have an 8 month warranty after the last time I got it fixed (in September), but that seems a little moot since Apple seems to have changed their Service Extension Program. It used to say it would cover this issue for 2 years after the original purchase date, but now it says 3 years.
HOWEVER… When I inquired about getting a replacement machine in July, after the thing had died for the 3rd time, they told me it had to be FIXED 3 times before they would replace it.
I am so over this computer. (I mean my iMac, not this $250, 3 year old eMachine running openSUSE 10.2 I am typing this post on. Probably the best $250 I ever spent.)
Jan 1 2007
zOMG u guiez da f1rewerx on souf beesh were s0 assum! did u c dem??
What a let-down. I hope this isn’t a prelude to how 2007 is going to be.
P.S.: Official word: FIreworks cancelled due to bad weather.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, South Beach
Dec 28 2006
it should be somewhat creative
…so I’m working on this order with next to no instructions and after sending them 2 proofs they send me an email saying “The words thank you need to be larger to fill the blank space and on an angle. See attachment, it should be somewhat creative.
Here’s the attachment.
WOW! Talk about creative! Thanks for the direction, I can tell this is going to be a jaw dropper!!
So then I do what they ask and put a bit of a creative spin on it and they email me back with changes that eliminates everything outside of exactly what they have in the example.
Dec 25 2006
Merry Christmas.
I know this is old, but I love it so much it is pretty much the only reason I am able to survive the rest of the year.
Well, maybe not… But I present to you: Rudolph the Five-legged Reindeer!
Also, if you’re going to find this video offensive then you should probably not watch it.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 10 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, videos
Dec 23 2006
I don’t think I’ve been this ripped since last yeqar qwhen I was in Seattle!
Sp tonight was the office party at Macarena and I was the first person to show up. which is amazong considering the fact that I am ususally 2-6 minuteslate.
I think every thing is every thing so now I will try to go to bed.
P.S.: I think Walter beat me in our drinking competitiomn. I drank 14 Heinekans and I think he drank 17 so I get p0wnt.
Also, I think I am cool with everyon now.
wow, seriously, too much beer!
Jan 6 2007
Multimedia message
Multimedia message, originally uploaded by FANLESS.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized