Dec 23 2006
Posts by FANLESS :
Dec 20 2006
Jean’s beaver, Joy’s Panda, and Lucy’s butt!
Almost every day I feel like I should type something on the innernets, but I don’t really ever have anything to say.
So here’s a re-run from a post I made back in a little over 4 years ago. I think it’s kind of funny, but probably not if you don’t know any of the people I type about.
The recent expiration of my account has left me with two free minutes. I’m going to use these 2 minutes to fill you in on what has been going on.
On November 1st Kim came down and we walked all over South Beach hitting every tattoo shop we could find. I finally got my ear piercings stretched from 16 gauge to 10 gauge at South Beach Tattoo. That’s the same place where that girl from Jackass, Tuesday Wednesday, pierced my lip nearly 3 years ago. I hope to get to a 6 guage when Brandon is here later this month.
Of course, I turned 28 on Veteran’s Day, November 11th. That day was rather uneventful. Nothing like last year.
On the 25th of November, Kim made a return visit to Miami Beach, and we went to Lissette’s birthday party at Carl and Chad’s place on Palm Island. For some reason I wasn’t feeling the scene. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t in much of a partying mood. I did, however, get to see Jean’s beaver (kinda).
The next day Kim and I did a bit of shopping at the Aventura Mall. Kim got 2 pairs of sunglasses, and a big-ass stuffed Panda bear for Joy. Kim made me carry it all around the mall. I think because it was taller than her. The f00king thing was pulling chicks like mad, so I didn’t really mind. One hawt girl that worked at Pac-Sun saw it and said, “Awww! Is it soft?” I wanted to say “Not anymore!” but I didn’t because she was a bit too young, and Kim was right there and would have ragged on my cheezieness for the rest of the day, if not the rest of my life.
From there Kim and I trekked North to West Palm for yet another birthday party. This time it was for Joy. I was in a better mood, but not my usual self. To this day I can’t figure out what was wrong with me that weekend. I caught a ride back to Miami with Chad and Lissette late that night. Several pictures from both parties can be found here.
In browsing through some of those pictures, I remembered something worth noting…
You may recall me saying something about Lissette’s friend Lucy a while back, and it’s no secret that I’ve had a boner for her ever since, but I never really thought that I would be someone that she would remember. Well, I was talking to her that night at Chad’s and she axed me if “I still had that Pink bike”. She remembered my Pork!! I’M MEMORABLE!! Or at least my bike is. Lissette told me a while back that I should have busted a move a long time ago because now she’s living with some putzy guy. But you know how it is… He who hesitates… Here’s a not-so-flattering picture of Lucy’s ass. It’s a shame that she’s not really in any other pictures from that night. I WOULD!!
After 3 more days of work, I spent Thanksgiving at Wendy’s once again. The usual Thanksgiving feast and festivities. We watched Ice Age and the video from their trip across the US. Before we ate I had to play house with Zoë. She had some bowls totally filled with water. I mean, so full that they overflowed when she put spoons in them. She was biting chunks of her carrot off and putting them into the water, or what she called “Carrot soup”. She was getting mad at me because i wouldn’t really eat it. She cried really hard when it was time for me to go home. She begged me to stay the night. It made me feel bad.
I bet you wish you had a kid as rad as Zoe!
The next day I hopped on the Tri-Rail and spent the next 3 days in West Palm.
My 2 minutes is up now, so I’ll have to end with that.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: Back home, years ago.,, I WOULD!!!, IRL, LOL INNERNETS, South Beach
Dec 15 2006
come fly with me
If you’re able to trust your life with Spirit Air, then you might be interested in these $.99 air fares!
Yeah, that’s 99 cents, not dollars.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS
Dec 14 2006
FW: You have new Picture Mail!
Can’t see it in pic but da butt is butt naked son
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized
Dec 14 2006
Shaun Alexander vs Young MC
I have drama (and yes, this will reveal how amazingly complicated my life is).
The Seattle Seahawks are slated the take on the 49ers tonight on my TV at 8 PM. Sounds awesome, right? Especially since I was stuck in a car heading to Seattle on Sunday when the Seahawks last played (and lost). Only, there is a problem… That Nike run thing is supposed to happen at 8 PM too.
I am torn. Do I stay home and watch the Seahawks or do I go out and see Vanilla Ice, De La Soul, Young MC, Coolio, and Digital Underground??I can always tivo the Hawks game, but watching it after the fact just isn’t the same.
Does live in real life trump live on my TV?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, TV
Dec 14 2006
VANILLA ICE!! I mean Nike Hit Run Remix!
Don’t forget to check out the Nike Hit Run Remix tonight!
Of course, the running part isn’t all that important. At least not when compared to check out Vanilla Ice!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, South Beach
Dec 14 2006
Class President Arrested For Hacking – Changing Grades Of 19 Students
Ryan C. Shrouder, 18, of Cooper City, was taken to jail from school and charged with two counts of computer crime with intent to defraud, a second-degree felony, according to a Broward Sheriff’s Office report. He was released from jail on bail, has been suspended from school and will be recommended for expulsion, said Joe Melita
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized
Dec 13 2006
Police Find $400,000 Worth Of Cocaine On Beach
Investigators are looking into why almost $500,000 worth of cocaine washed ashore at a Hollywood beach.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized
Dec 23 2006
Multimedia message
Multimedia message, originally uploaded by FANLESS.
Willie OWNS me!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized