Dec 7 2006
Posts by FANLESS :
Dec 6 2006
Please don’t bomb/hijack/crash/delay/cancel/whatever these flights!
It’s Seattle eve and I’ve only packed two fuckin’ back packs!
It‘s Seattle eve and I’ve only packed two fuckin’ back packs!
And I hate, Hate, HATE your guts…
I hate, Hate, HATE your guts…
And I’ll never talk to you again…
unless your dad will suck me off…
I’ll never talk to you again…
unless your mom will touch my cock…
I’ll never talk to you again…
ejaculate into a sock…
I’ll never talk to you again…
I’ll never talk to you again…
(I’ve been saying that since 2001!)
Please don’t bomb/hijack/crash/delay/cancel/whatever these flights!
Actually, this is kind of wrong. I’m coming back on Tuesday, not Monday. I still need to make a ticket change.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL, LOL INNERNETS
Dec 4 2006
On Thursday I will be flying to Seattle for a long weekend. If you can remember back to last year, this will be a very similar situation. I will even be wearing the same coat. I haven’t even had it on since I got home from last year’s trip. I should be landing in Seattle sometime between 12 and 1 PM. I’ll probably head downtown, but I really have no plans at all. Unlike last year, I DO NOT plan on drinking nearly as much, if at all. Last year I got so ripped I barely remember most of the night. During our trip to Othello the next morning we had to pull over 3 times so I vomit on the side of the road. It wasn’t fun at all. It was easily the most miserable trip across the Cascades I have ever experienced. And I have experienced some fairly miserable trips across the Cascades in my time!!
I think I’ve made this trip 9 out of the last 10 Decembers, and I’m really not enthused. For some reason everyone there seems more excited to see me than I am to see them. I don’t really know why that is. It’s not meant as a dig on anyone… I really like everyone I’ll see and don’t have issues with anyone there. I’m just not to a point to where I’m dying to see anyone. Everything will be the same, but I won’t be able to experience it in the same way as when I lived there.
One more reason why I’m not overly excited about this trip.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL
Dec 3 2006
How cocaine is made
How cocaine is made
This is amazing! I want to meet the person that was like… “Ok, guys… This is what we’re going to do… We’re gonna take these leaves, see? Then we’re gonna add some cement, ok? Then add some caustic soda solution, and ammonia and mix it in with a lot of gasoline and Quicklime, alright? Still with me? Ok, then we’re gonna stomp on it and then add sulfuric acid and more gasoline to it. Then we let it soak for a while. This will break the leaves down, see? Then we’ll add more acid and gasoline and we’ll filter it out a few times. Then we’ll add some more ammonia and then we smoke it.
Ok, who wants to be the first person to try it??”
I guess this is the 2nd part.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, videos
Dec 3 2006
more videos
I swear I’m not trying to find these videos. They just fall into my lap! Like tonight when I went to log into myspace and I guess I clicked on the video preview thing by accident. I was on the phone and not really paying attention, and when I went to continue what I was doing, this video was loaded in my browser. So I watched it!
Posted By:Patrica Lynn
Get this video and more at
It was pretty much the best video I had seen all week. But then I watch this one and it maybe would be considered better than the first one, but some jackhole shot it sideways, thus somewhat ruining the experience. I did, however, sayd “D00D!!!” 2 or 3 times in the course of watching it.
Posted By:•Jðhññ¥ VïÃêÖ•
Get this video and more at
And then I watched this one:
Posted By:myrik
Get this video and more at
Now, I don’t want to sound like a homo or something, but I think this video trumps the other 2. Mainly because I have tried to do this in mud and on ice and I can attest to its difficulty. This guy is good!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: I WOULD!!!, LOL INNERNETS, videos
Nov 22 2006
40 oz in my lap and it’s freezing my
It’s kind of cold in my apartment tonight and I still don’t have a heater. I am warming my feet with this lamp. There were about 2 million dead bugs in the lamp and now they’re on my floor (and socks).
Last night I had to make a life threatening choice! Risk freezing to death while riding to Publix for food after work, or risk starving to death at home because I didn’t have any food. I decided to brave the conditions and make the trek to West Ave. I made it back alive. It actually wasn’t that bad. Tonight feels colder.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 8 • Tags: IRL, South Beach
Nov 22 2006
here we aren’t now… entertANUS
Sometimes when I’m at work I get moist with the anticipation of going home.
But then when I get home I’m bored and have trouble finding things to do.
Sometimes I feel like I need a zOMG SO FAST AND CUTTING EDGE computer.
But then I think about it seriously for a minute or two and I’m like… Ok, what can I do with a new computer that I can’t do with the computers I have now?
Well, for one… I could get Beryl to work which is really important because I really REALLY r1lly need burning menus and magical windows and Kiba Dock (I am so glad the Mac OS X dock doesn’t work like this! Do you know how much time I would spend bouncing icons around and not doing work!?)! I could MAYBE get it to work if I spent $100 on a new graphics card and another $100 or so on an additional gig of RAM for my PC. I just don’t think I can get a good enough graphics card because my PC only has a 4x AGP slot. Do I really want to spend that much money to upgrade a 3 year old machine just for wobbly windows and icons bouncing all over my screen? Probably not. I’ve seen videos of this stuff running on machines supposedly less than what Ihave, but I have never been able to get them to work. I can’t even get the desktop effects in Fedora Core 6 to work!
Tonight I came home and got bored. Again. I decided I wanted to get a MAMP stack running on my G3 again. Actually, I think I want to try out lighttpd. In looking to see what all I wanted to install I got sidetracked and ended up spending a few hours reading about rails. I had read all about it a long time ago before “ruby on rails” became a buzz phrase, but I have mostly ignored it in the past many months. A lot has changed since and I think I’m going to spend some time working with it. I think I’ll start with Memphisto blog. I think it might be the next big thing. I thought logahead was going to be a big thing, but it seems to be pretty much dead. I’m kind of bummed because I really liked it. I am still dying to get a photoblog up using OneReaction but Windows hosting with .net support is not cheap. At least not that I’ve found.
Wow, that’s a lot of nerdy stuff. This is how I entertain myself?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Computers, LOL INNERNETS
Nov 19 2006
WowWowWeeWaa! I LIKE!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags:, LOL INNERNETS
Dec 7 2006
Multimedia message
Multimedia message, originally uploaded by FANLESS.
In Seattle now.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized