Nov 16 2006
Posts by FANLESS :
Nov 10 2006
on the verge of being dirty t00 and still rippin’!
If I didn’t receive a birthday card from you in the mail today, you can deliver it to me personally tomorrow (Saturday). I don’t have any plans so I’ll probably just be hanging out. I am hoping there will be a parade down Washington like last year, but I can’t find any info about it on the CMB site.
I actually like late birthday cards more than cards that come early. Since my birthday is always on a no-mail holiday, I never get cards in the mail on my actual birth day. Cards that come early kind of suck because either you open them before your birthday, which is fine, I guess, but not usually my style, or you save them for the real day. Early birthday cards that you save for the actual day are real assholes though! They’re all tempting you and they’re like, “C’mon! OPEN ME!! I’m for you!! Someone probably wrote some nice things about you and maybe there’s money in me. Don’t you want to find out? C’mon!! Don’t try to kid yourself; you know you don’t have enough will power to wait until your birthday! Just open me right now! What are you waiting for??” and stuff like that.
Birthday cards that show up late are awesome! It’s like, your birthday comes and goes and you’re over it and then a couple days later you check your mail and HOLY MEAT! ANOTHER BIRTHDAY CARD!! H00RAY!!! and you get to celebrate a little more.
This year I received 5 cards in the mail from two aunts, one uncle, my parents, and my grandparents. I haven’t opened them yet. They’re taunting me as I type this. I’ll show them that I DO have enough will power to wait another 4 hours before I open them.
It looks like the most birthday love is coming from MySpace this year. Nearly two dozen happy birthday comments/messages to date.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow.
Nov 10 2006
D.J. Tanner’s sister.
Can you guess why this folder is funny to me?
If this girl was born after 1987, then her parents must be assholes for naming her that. I mean, that’s about as cruel as naming your kid Bobby or Cindy if your last name is Brady.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized
Nov 9 2006
Once upon a time there was this local blog that I really liked. Then this other dude came along and now it seems way more about politics and a lot less about South Florida. That almost makes me want to cry. Maybe it’s just the season.
There is this other local blog that I like, but I think I would like it a lot more if it had more edge and less art. Art makes me feel x-tra dum.
Most of the other local blogs that I know about have posts that are entirely too long for my attention span, so I don’t really ever try to read them.
I wish I could find a local blog that is a lot like the blog that I really liked before this other dude came along.
-christian (Age 11)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Nov 8 2006
AppleJack or how I almost shit myself
WOW! I almost made bears in my pants tonight because I thought I jacked up my computer (again)!
I was listening to Mac Break Weekly at work today and Merlin Mann of 43 Folders fame was talking about using AppleJack. I had seen AppleJack in my MUMenu a few times so I was somewhat familiar with it, but I had never bothered trying it. Well, tonight I was kind of bored and even though my computer had been running fine and even though there was a warning in big red letters on the page for AppleJack to NOT download it, I did anyways.
It installed fine and I booted into single user mode to try it out. Straight away my fans started blasting away, which was normal whenever I would boot into single user mode or when I would get a Kernel Panic. I didn’t really think anything of it. I tried AppleJack and it did its thing and then I booted my computer normally. I downloaded and installed AppleJack on my G3 too and I got the brilliant idea to see if my iMac G5 would run AppleJack much faster than my G3, so I booted both Macs into single user mode. Well, when I went to use AppleJack on my iMac I couldn’t type anything. I figured something happened to my BlueTooth connection for my keyboard (which sometimes happens) so I held down the power button until it shut down. I tried to boot into single user mode again, and that worked, but, again, I couldn’t type anything. I booted my iMac normally again, and that was when I noticed that my fans were still running at full blast. This was when the bears nearly started coming out of my butt! I was like, “Oh, great! Why am I not surprised?”
I shut my computer down again and let it set for a few seconds. I started it up and the fans were still blowing away. I was ready to zap my NVRAM and PRAM and I had thought about unplugging my computer for a bit if that didn’t work, but I decided to read the readme that came with AppleJack first. RIght there in the “Known Issues” section was this little gem:
Some users of G5 systems have reported that the fans ramp up very fast. This is not related to AppleJack, but is due to the fact that the thermal controllers are not loaded while in single user mode. If this condition persists after restarting into Mac OS X, you may have run into one of the many known fan-management bugs. See the support forums, or for help.
The fact that a solution wasn’t listed in the readme kept the bears marching towards the exit, but at least I knew I wasn’t alone in experiencing this problem. I headed to, did a search for “imac g5 fans” and found this. Apparently someone had nearly the exact same problem as me, and they did what I had planned on doing… They unplugged their iMac for a bit and after that their fans were back to their normal speed. I did the same and had similar success. The bears stopped trying to escape from my butt and now my iMac G5 is running as silently as it ever has. H00RAY!!
Nov 1 2006
p0wnt by dreamhost!
…so I made the previous post while I was home for lunch, and then I went back to work. An hour or so later I noticed that my RSS feed wasn’t loading. When I got home I realized that zOMG MY CYTE HAZ B33N HAx0rZd!!!!
Except that it hadn’t. I was just getting the dreaded 404 for some reason.
The first thing I did was ftp in and straight away I noticed that /blog had been renamed “blog.DisabledByDreamhost”. I contacted dreamhost’s support and said WTF?? This is the reply I received:
I’m very sorry that you were not informed about this. It appears that
your blog was temporarily disabled because it was consuming too many
resources. Since your blog is receiving vast amounts of traffic and
relies heavily on PHP, we simply ask that you implement the following
WordPress caching-plugin to help prevent adversely affecting the server:
Please let us know if you have any other questions. Sorry about the
Consuming too many resources? ME? If by “resources” you mean Häagen-Dasz, Red Bull, and buffalo wings, then I can see your point. Thanks for looking out for me, but I’m perfectly ok with dying from a heart attack before next Saturday. I just don’t see what that has to do with my blog.
Oh, wait, no… My BLOG is consuming too many resources. Very interesting!
Ok, no problem. I figured it was something like that when I saw that it was Dreamhost that was doing the owning.
But here’s the funny thing… I just implemented that plugin 2 nights ago! OH NOSE!! If my blog is being disabled WITH the cache plugin, what happens next??
There is only one thing that can be done to keep my ultra mega über totally awesome website alive! You must stop visiting!
I’m serious, please do not come back to this web site ever again. If you’re an Arab or in Cairo Egypt or whatever and you’re looking for sex videos or sex cams and stuff, please look elsewhere.
If you’re a South Beach hottie and you’re telling all of your friends that “Christian gives good head Photoshop lessons! Check out his web site!!”, please stop! I mean, yeah… It’s true! But for the sake of the tubes that make up these innernets, please stop visiting
Also, please don’t click on any of these links:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 13 • Tags:, LOL INNERNETS
Nov 1 2006
October produced better numbers than September, but I have a strong suspicion that August will reign king for at least 6 more months.
Oh, also… Happy birthday to my friend Phil Hanks! He’s 32 today.
Actually, I maybe shouldn’t say that. I haven’t seen or talked to the guy in over 13 years, so he may no longer be with us. But last I heard, the guy became a Mormon, got married and has kids. I think he lives in Utah, but Hawaii is in my brain too.
If you’re Philip Hanks from Othello Washington you should chime in with your whereabouts and what you’re up to. (Just don’t try to convert me!)
Phil, me, Rod Schutte! (circa 1987-8?)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • • Tags: Back home,, LOL INNERNETS, years ago.
Nov 1 2006
6:08 AM? Maybe I should go to bed. Something tells me work won’t be so fun today. 10 AM will be here really quick!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized
Oct 31 2006
In the illustrious words of one Paul Harvey, “Oh, hey!” I just realized that I have been back at this place that I work at for 1 year now. That means that one year ago a lot of people in South Florida didn’t have any power. I can’t believe I haven’t seen anything on the innenrnets about the anniversary of Hurricane Wilma. Maybe I’ll put some pics from that on the net tonight.
Oh, wait… It’s Halloween! I should probably find something better to do than looking at old pictures.
Oct 31 2006
I feel kind of bad for Bandon’s mom who has spent the last few days in South Florida. I just noticed it is currently 11 degrees in Yakima Washington!
I’d probably feel bad for my own mom, who lives in Yakima, but she hasn’t been to Florida since 2000!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Back home, years ago.
Oct 31 2006
Miami Podcasts
Hello, what happened to The Miami Podcast? It’s been like 6 weeks since the last one.
Ok, it wasn’t the best podcast in the world or anything, but are there any other/better Miami/South Florida podcasts? If so, please direct my attention to them.
My listening material is getting so weak, I’m resorting to Linux/Ubuntu podcasts!
Oh, also… I updated my blog to the newest version of WordPress (2.0.5) tonight, and I updated 6 plugins. I think my recent comments thing is fucked up though. It should be showing only 3 days worth of comments.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, South Beach
Oct 31 2006
(almost) famous!
Hey, lqqk at me! One of my pictures is on Wikipedia!
And if you like that one, there are a bunch more here.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Pictures, South Beach
Nov 17 2006
I’m not sure if this is apparent or not, but I am pretty much a James Stewart SuperFan #1.
And… I really love whips!
So what happens when you combine the two? LIQUID EXPLOSION IN MY PANTS!
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That Bubba guy is kind of good on them dirtbikes.
Trying to figure out how a person can land a whip that ginormous makes my brain itch.
You know, James might be able to do awesome jumps, but can he do awesome skids on a 50??
50 Skid
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I bet not!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Motocross, Pictures