Jul 10 2006
Early Warning
I have a tentative plan to go riding at Markham Park on Saturday morning. I don’t know when exactly “morning” is, but I wouldn’t expect it to be before 9 AM. Carl says he is going… Raul is going/giving me a ride. I’m trying to get Brandon to go. He keeps saying he’s getting a new bike, but he’s been saying that for many weeks so I don’t know if it is ever going to happen. Raul will probably talk to Jack and maybe he will show up. It would be awesome if Chad went too.
Jul 11 2006
Hello, does anyone own the copyright to an image of Castro that I could use on my awesome new website, IsCastroDead.com??? (currently just forwarding to FANLESS.com because I am lazy.)
Actually, I would like to have 2 pics… One where he looks healthy and one where he looks dead.
Here’s what I’m thinking… A simple web page that displays a picture of Fidel Castro… If he’s still alive, then the healthy pic shows up… If he’s dead, then you get the dead pic. Along with that, I’d like to have a Firefox extention much like the Terri Schiavo Status extension. I’d also want to have a Dashboard widget for Mac OS X and a widget for the Yahoo! Widget Engine.
Sounds reasonable, right? I wish I was smrt enough/not so lazy to actually pull it off.
Oh, I almost forgot… GOOGLE ADS so I can get rich and even more famous and retire on South Beach at the ripe old age of 32.
At that rate, I’d hope Castro NEVER dies so people will keep checking in to see if he’s alive.
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