Apr 21 2006
Posts by FANLESS :
Apr 21 2006
South Beach Breakfast!
Just incase anyone is mistaken and actually thinks I might be Bruce Willis or something, (I’m not!) this is (was) my breakfast today.
(this is where you chime in with “zOMG NO WONDER YOU’RE SO FAT!!” and such.)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, Work
Apr 21 2006
Photo Friday – Golden
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Pictures, Riding
Apr 20 2006
I love it when I get emails that just say “photoshop face on right side”! orly? What exactly shall I do to it?
At this point I’d like to photoshop a dagger going through their face!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Uncategorized
Apr 20 2006
It’s on like Donkey Kong!
I have plans to go riding at Markham park again on Saturday. I’m just letting you know so you can come out and stalk me. I might be spending the night in West Palm because I have another baby shower to go to on Sunday. Why can’t people schedule their stuff around the Supercross schedule? I just had 2 weekends of nothing in a row, and now that Supercross is happening again, I have other crap to do.
I can’t remember why now, but for some reason I felt it was important for me to put this conversation I just had with Andre on the innernets.
Me: Hey, do you want to go riding with us on Saturday?
Andre: Where?
Me: Markham Park!
Andre: You said on Saturday?
Me: Yeah, man. I love Markham!
Andre: Willy’skid’s birthday is that day.
Me: Who?
Andre: Willy. His kid is having a birthday party on Saturday with the kids birthday parties in Riverside from http://www.jumpersjungle.com/riverside/. Want to go?
Me: No, I’m going riding!
Andre: Willy’s going to be mad if you don’t show up.
Me: What? I didn’t even know about it. I don’t even know if I knew he had kids!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, Riding, Supercross
Apr 19 2006
olol myspace
Some frenchie myspace kid would (I’m sure) appreciate any light you could shine on his query.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 19 2006
Victoria EngRish
Remember when I had to make that big-ass fake FHM cover for that Paris Hilton movie? Well, did the movie come out or what? I never heard anything about it. The website is still up, but I don’t think it has changed in the last year or however long it’s been up.
I was really moist with anticipation to see it, but now I’m kind of over it.
Also… Blogging for 6 months? 1 Year?? So what! “On Blogger since April 2000” SIX YEARS N199AZ!
Does that make me old meme?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS, Work
Apr 18 2006
“…it’s a ridiculous fashion and political statement to wear anyone’s face on your chest…”
That’s the most preposterous thing I’ve read all week! Here’s a picture of me with the faces’ of THREE guys on my shirt!
How ya like me now?
(it’s even funnier because at this very moment I have Bubba’s face on my shirt, but I don’t think I have a picture of me in that shirt.)
ridiculous is my middle name.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 18 2006
I love instructions in spanish!
Oh, never mind. You can’t see the instructions in the picture. I’d tell you what they say, but I don’t know spanish!
Apr 17 2006
WOW, I really AM (almost) famous!!
Is this email legit or is it some phishing/spam thing??
plz advise!
Well, shit… Never mind! I already emailed them, and they emailed me back. They’re going to let me know when they have an airdate for the piece. Wonbo Woo is my new best friend!!
If this doesn’t get me laid, I don’t know what will!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 7 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 16 2006
I’m PRO!
The rumors were true! The trails at Markham Park were open, and not only did I get to ride them again, I lived to tell about it too!! (with pictures even!)
This is the entrance to “Crime Scene”. I think it’s clear that if you’re there to have a good time on your new Huffys you got from K-mart with your wife, you took a wrong turn somewhere. This section isn’t for pussies!
This is the back side of Crime Scene. Unfortunately, pictures don’t show how gnarly and intimidating it really is.
Here I am, contemplating certain death. It’s kind of like when you’re a kid and you finally get to go riding with the older kids. You’re like, It doesn’t look that bad, but they must call it “Dead Man Hill” for a reason, right?
…but I’m dum so I go for it. I kind of look like I know what I’m doing; sighting where I want to go instead of where I am.
And amazingly I end up where I wanted to go!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 9 • Tags: IRL, Pictures, Riding
Apr 16 2006
I’m (almost) famous (by proxy)!
Hey, look at this! James was in the NY Times today. Remember when I spent a day in Seattle with James (and others) and he (and others) got me drnk? That was awesome!
I was planning on flying back to Seattle in 2 weeks, but I’m too broke to go. The funny thing is that if I had not been lazy and got my taxes done earlier, I would have had enough money to go. Oh well. Maybe I’ll go for the Washougal National. If not, there’s always family xmas in December.
Also, it’s kind of funny because I linked to one of James’ youtube videos.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL, LOL INNERNETS
Apr 24 2006
Liebe Gruesse
Hey guys, I was in the IRL all weekend long! What did I miss?
Hey guys, Ladies Love Cool Christian!!
Hey guys, what’s wrong with this picture??
(Hint: What’s different about my bike?)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: Uncategorized