Mar 7 2006
Don’t forget to watch MTV’s 8th & Ocean tonight!!
And, of course, keep an eye out for a fat brown guy walking down the sidewalk on 11th and Collins. That would be ME!
Oh, and look for Raul and the rest of the District Lab crew too. I think Tracie Wright went there and they filmed her.
Mar 16 2006
stop staring at me, swan!
If I look up from my computer/work and notice that a girl is like… staring at me, and then I go back to work for a couple more seconds and look up again and she’s still staring, that pretty much means she wants to do me, right?
Either that, or she thinks I’m a train wreck and she can’t take her eyes off of me for fear of missing some of the carnage that makes up a fat lazy mexican on the beach, AMEYERITE?
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