Apr 28 2006
I almost want to cry!
Ok, do you think this is a joke or is this person that bad of a typ0r/spellAr or what?
P.S.: That’s my picture they’re using for their background.
stupid stuff found on the innernets
Apr 28 2006
Ok, do you think this is a joke or is this person that bad of a typ0r/spellAr or what?
P.S.: That’s my picture they’re using for their background.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 21 2006
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Pictures, Riding
Apr 19 2006
Some frenchie myspace kid would (I’m sure) appreciate any light you could shine on his query.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 19 2006
Remember when I had to make that big-ass fake FHM cover for that Paris Hilton movie? Well, did the movie come out or what? I never heard anything about it. The website is still up, but I don’t think it has changed in the last year or however long it’s been up.
I was really moist with anticipation to see it, but now I’m kind of over it.
Also… Blogging for 6 months? 1 Year?? So what! “On Blogger since April 2000” SIX YEARS N199AZ!
Does that make me old meme?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS, Work
Apr 18 2006
That’s the most preposterous thing I’ve read all week! Here’s a picture of me with the faces’ of THREE guys on my shirt!
How ya like me now?
(it’s even funnier because at this very moment I have Bubba’s face on my shirt, but I don’t think I have a picture of me in that shirt.)
ridiculous is my middle name.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 17 2006
Is this email legit or is it some phishing/spam thing??
plz advise!
Well, shit… Never mind! I already emailed them, and they emailed me back. They’re going to let me know when they have an airdate for the piece. Wonbo Woo is my new best friend!!
If this doesn’t get me laid, I don’t know what will!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 7 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 16 2006
Hey, look at this! James was in the NY Times today. Remember when I spent a day in Seattle with James (and others) and he (and others) got me drnk? That was awesome!
I was planning on flying back to Seattle in 2 weeks, but I’m too broke to go. The funny thing is that if I had not been lazy and got my taxes done earlier, I would have had enough money to go. Oh well. Maybe I’ll go for the Washougal National. If not, there’s always family xmas in December.
Also, it’s kind of funny because I linked to one of James’ youtube videos.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL, LOL INNERNETS
Apr 15 2006
I am zOMG SO MOIST WITH ANTICIPATION for this to be ready all ready! Naturally, Jay Quinlan is my heavy favorite without even seeing any footage. Second nod goes to Kourtney Hungerford, and 3rd on my radar is Heath Frisby, but if anyone else really brings it then I’m not against giving them precedence. Those are just my 3 favorites in general.
There are rumors that I will be riding at Markham park today at 3:30 or so. Back in January, Raul, Carl and I trekked up there only to find out that the trails were still closed after Hurricane Wilma’s destruction. Whoever said they’re open again better be right! I don’t want to have to settle for Oleta again. I wish South Pointe park had Markham’s trails! Then I would NEVER leave the beach!!
My bike is a little beat. I know a couple of months ago I made a post stating that I went a whole year… 1000+ miles! without getting a flat. Well, a couple of weeks after that I got a flat. I don’t even know how or when. I just went to ride to Publix and my rear tire was flat. The flat may have been a gift from God because in trying to change the tube I found a broken spoke! My rear wheel spent a couple of weeks at the mechanic’s and after too much drama over the disc rotor/hub, my wheel is back on my bike.
But my suspension is still too soft and my rear brake is still unpredictable. It might work… It might not.
Anyway… Come out to Markham Park this afternoon, find me, and say “Hey, I went to your website and it gave my kid/wife/dog a seizure, you asshole!!”. I shouldn’t be too hard to find… I’ll probably be the only fat guy LAYING (example 1, example 2) on the trail, crying for his mommy!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Pictures, Riding
Apr 14 2006
It’s not like I’m Bruce Willis or something. Nobody gives a shit what I had for breakfast! Or do they…?
Here is something I really can’t wrap my pea brain around. Why in the Tori Anus (.com!) would my site get a shit ton more hits (see above image or this PDF of last month’s stats page – 83 pages!!) than Critical Miami? I type the stupidest stuff usually about 3 stupid things… Me, Myself and I. Why would anyone (save for maybe 4 people) want to read all that? I mean, more people than those that would want to read other (better) sites that are about more interesting things.
Dear innernets, You are always not to be making the sense for me always.
But anyway… I looked up a post I made about stats last fall (this post was private until just now because I never really finished typing it out. also, lollers because I typed about criticalmiami.com in that post too!) and I realized this year’s numbers are probably going to make last year’s numbers look like I was still using geocities! Imagine what could happen if I actually made the posts I always want to make, but never do because I’m lazy! I might even be able to add a google ad or two!
But seriously! This doesn’t make sense. Please advise as to how I am calculating my numbers wrong.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS
Apr 14 2006
I won’t be able to sleep for the next 2 or so weeks! I don’t like bugs!!
On Sunday night/Monday morning I made the mistake of starting to watch King Kong for my first time at about 2 AM. I fell asleep about 40 minutes later.
The next night I continued watching and I got about 2 hours into it. I was about to go to bed when they showed all of these gigantic bugs and it kind of freaked me out. I didn’t sleep so well that night. I finally finished watching King Kong last night.
AND THEN TONIGHT I stumbled upon this gem of a video on the innernets! Just what I needed!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Apr 13 2006
(for reference – not that 2719 people saw that image yesterday or anything)
Also… I still need a partner in crime for tomorrow’s opening of the Miami Beach Polo Cup 2006.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 18 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS
Apr 11 2006
Ya know, I’ve always claimed to be a pretty cool guy, but it’s been a little tough to back that claim up at times. The other day I ran across a bit of proof!
Here I am flanked by my boys, Phil hanks on my right and Rod Schutte on my left. Please pay close attention to my sweet pink All-Stars that I’m rockin’ without socks! That’s how I did it in the late 80s. Also, check out how ginormous Phil’s feet are! Oh, and obviously I was way skinnier than I am now. I think I’m gonna get my hair cut like that again! I’d still wear pink Converse, but I think they might give off the wrong kind of vibe here on South Beach. I’m still man enough to ride my pink Pork around!
I can’t figure out what year this was exactly. I wasn’t into cards until after I moved to Yakima, so it must have been after 6th grade. I think this was before my melon got operated on, so it was before 9th grade. I’m going to guess that this was during the 7th grade, so probably 1987 or 88.
I’m gonna look for more sweet pics from back in the day to scan.
Speaking of friends…
Hey, you. Yeah, YOU! You reading these words… Why am I not one of your myspace friends?? Please add me right now!
www.myspace.com/fanless (I better have at least 250 friends by the end of the day!)
Thanks! We’ll be BFF!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Pictures
Apr 10 2006
Go subscribe to Ski Time Magazine!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
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May 9 2006
Live from Nintendo’s display at E3!
FINALLY someone I know in real life has a blog! Well, I guess I have a few IRL friends that have blogs or whatever, but I think I met all of them through the net. I mean people that knew me before I knew the innernets! But I digress…
Folks, I am proud to present to you: My cousin Scott’s E3 blog!
Go there and read all about him reppin’ Nintendo at E3! Leave him lots of comments so maybe he’ll feel special and keep his blog running after the Expo. Then maybe I’ll hear more about what’s going on back home and stuff.
Oh, the stories the stories I could tell about that kid! …and the stories he could tell about me! Oh, wait… Ok, never mind! Don’t leave him comments unless they’re threatening and make him want to never log onto the internet again!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Back home, years ago., IRL, LOL INNERNETS