Jan 22 2006
My dream ride!
According to this post, I live one block over from the “Highway to Hell”! Who knew?
Too bad Florida is so flat. I’d look like a jackass riding that thing anywhere around here.
Also, last night’s Supercross from Anaheim is on CBS at 1 PM!
Jan 23 2006
oh thanks!
A month or so ago I read something about The Cereal Bowl I think somewhere on Miamist (I would link to what I read, but my browser tells me “The server at www.miamist.com is taking too long to respond.”.).
Well, I signed up to be notified when The Cereal Bowl was going to actually open, and today I was notified. Cool, right? Yeah, but someone made a mistake and apparently used the To: field instead of the Bcc: field to insert the email addresses. Fortunately, this email appears to have been sent to only 66 people, all with email addresses starting with the letters m-z. I’m sure it was a mistake, and I’m pretty sure The Cereal Bowl caught their mistake, because they sent a second email which I think is identical to the first one, sans visible email addresses.
I just love it when people share my email address with countless strangers!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS