Jul 27 2007
3 minutes of wow!
3 minutes of wow!
This makes me scratch my head. I mean… I get it! Your tits are bigger than my head, but what’s with all of the poking and smooshing?
stupid stuff found on the innernets
Jul 27 2007
3 minutes of wow!
This makes me scratch my head. I mean… I get it! Your tits are bigger than my head, but what’s with all of the poking and smooshing?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, videos
Jul 27 2007
This is amazing!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: I WOULD!!!, LOL INNERNETS, videos
Jul 27 2007
I am watching local news coverage of the annual hydroplane races from Tri-Cities Washington, and, man, I had forgotten how bad it is there. Obviously they don’t have a very deep talent pool to pick from, but… gosh! Watching this news is a lot like listening to some talkshoe.com podcasts. They’re so unprofessional/badly produced that you almost feel embarrassed for the people involved.
Anyways, I sure am glad that I get to watch what I’m watching. I just wish it was put together a little better. You can watch along too, but I’m not exactly sure how much they’re going to be showing online. I think they will be showing a lot of racing/practicing/qualifying on Saturday, and of course a full day of racing on Sunday.
Also, I don’t watch the local Miami news too often, so it could be just as bad, but not that I’ve seen.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Back home, years ago., Computers, LOL INNERNETS, videos
Jul 25 2007
Ft. Lauderdale Limo has a blog??
Why people rent super-stretch limos in a city that’s mostly hills I will never know
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Jul 6 2007
So… Maybe I’m a little jaded or something, but don’t you think a person would have gotten the hint that I’m not too interested in chatting with them by now?
I have no clue who this person is, but they’ve been on my Yahoo! messenger buddy list for a while. Here’s how tonight’s conversation is going…
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:08:37 PM): hello bor
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:08:43 PM): hello man
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:09:39 PM): hi
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:11:48 PM): cool bro
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:11:59 PM): u know, we havent really talked well
Hide Recent Messages (F3)
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:14:50 PM): u there ??
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:14:57 PM): yes
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:16:07 PM): are u in the UK ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:16:42 PM): no, us.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:16:48 PM): k
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:16:54 PM): wat u do ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:17:57 PM): not much.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:18:55 PM): really
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:19:07 PM): dont tell me u sit around all day
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:22:48 PM):
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:22:57 PM): got a wife ?
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:28:25 PM): u there /?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:32:21 PM): no wife.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:32:29 PM): um
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:32:33 PM): g f
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:32:37 PM): no
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:32:54 PM): um
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:33:00 PM): so wats up wiht u ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:33:15 PM): very little.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:33:43 PM): lol
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:33:46 PM): i can see
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:33:56 PM): so why dont u care for a woman ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:34:26 PM): too much trouble.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:34:39 PM): really
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:34:52 PM): so bro tell me, are u a mafia ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:35:24 PM): i don’t think so.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:35:42 PM): u dont
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:35:56 PM): well wats ur drive
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:36:38 PM): i have none.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:36:49 PM): k
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:37:06 PM): well i am into mafia stuff
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:37:37 PM): life is great
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:37:41 PM): life is sweet
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:39:22 PM): so tell me exatly wat u do bro
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:39:32 PM): we could be close u know
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:44:17 PM): i mostly just watch tv.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:44:43 PM): so how do u get ur money to stay alive ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:45:59 PM): i get money from the atm, just like everyone else.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:46:41 PM): and wats the ATM ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:46:55 PM): cash machine.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:47:41 PM): cash machine?
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:47:55 PM): i dont understand tht?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:51:42 PM): you can look it up on the internet.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:52:03 PM): u tell me
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:52:31 PM): i’d rather not.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:52:44 PM): why ?
FANLESS (7/6/2007 10:54:18 PM): well, what if I make a mistake in my explaination of what an ATM is, and then you’re on some trivia television show where you can win millions of dolars if you can answer a question about an ATM, and you get the answer wrong because I misinformed you? I would feel bad about that.
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:54:50 PM): na bro
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:54:55 PM): it cool
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:55:02 PM): i am in Nigeria
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:55:13 PM): cat do dat here
fegoson47 (7/6/2007 10:55:18 PM): so tell me
fegoson47 has signed out. (7/6/2007 10:57 PM)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: Computers, FANLESS.com, IRL, LOL INNERNETS
Jul 1 2007
There are so many things in life that I just don’t get. Like why do men have nipples? Or, why can’t people figure out the difference between “then” and “than”? Why do I get so annoyed by bad grammar, when my own grammar isn’t so polished? But at the top of my list of things I just don’t get has got to be… Why are people reading this??
Seriously? Half a million+ people want to see what I put on these innernets each month? (ok, fine, only 52,002 distinct hosts served, but still… You came back 10+ times?) You do realize that I am fat and lazy and really don’t care about this stuff, right? I mean, I only type the stuff that oozes out of my brain. It takes entirely too much effort for me to scoop out the good stuff. It might be worth it if I were getting paid or something, but in the case of this here web site/blog/waste of space/whatever you want to call it, I actually end up paying for it to be here.
Anyways, I changed the layout a bit because, believe it or not, I actually care a little bit about your well being and I felt that the previous color scheme might be a little too hard on the eyes. I hope you like this one a little more. I have a feeling it might be too wide. You should just get a better computer/bigger monitor. If you don’t like it, please bitch about it in your own blog, and be sure to link here so I will find your banter in my referrers!
Also, if you want to advertise here for the rest of 2007, it will only cost you one 8 GB iPhone. I’m not too good to sell out!
PS (and this is a very important PS): Yvette will flash you her boobs if you go to http://miamirhapsody.blogspot.com/! IT’S TRUE!! I actually can’t stop clicking over to there!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Computers, FANLESS.com, IRL, LOL INNERNETS
Jul 1 2007
Watching MX!
So, this might be pretty nerdy, but I’m fine with that. I am right now watching AMA Motocross from the Red Bud National in Buchanan Michigan, LIVE ON THE INNERNETS zOMGZ!!!
In detail (which is the nerdy part), I have the video playing in Windows Media Player via Windows XP on my iMac, thanks to Parallels. Then on my iMac’s 2nd monitor, I have the same video playing in Quicktime, but delayed a bit so I have an ad-hoc instant replay. I just have to move my head to the right a bit to see what I just saw again. The twist to this is that I’m actually not listening to audio that accompanies the video… I am instead listening to the live audio feed because I have a very non-gay boner for Jason Weigandt, (that was meant as a joke!) and, frankly, I feel that his announcing makes the racing a lot more exciting.
Finally, on my laptop, I am chatting with my buds (just make up a username… leave the password box empty), watching the lap times (I miss being able to color label the riders like I could with the Supercross timing thing), and looking at the track map and just getting annoyed by mototalk people, and extra frustrated that I can’t interact with them because I let my membership lapse and I don’t have $30 ear tagged for a renewal.
If watching MX on the net isn’t your cup of tea, you can watch the 2nd Motocross class moto at 6 PM on Speed!
So, that’s what I’m up to on this rainy first day of July. Come to think of it, this is pretty much how I spent 2 Sundays ago, too. And actually, I guess that if I’m going to paint a picture, I should tell the whole story (WHAT? I have no idea what I just typed!)… My MX Sunday actually started late Saturday night when I was trying to be asleep by midnight so I could wake up by 6 AM so I could watch FIM World Motocross via MediaZone.com, but I ended up falling asleep somewhere around 3! I woke up at 5:50, on the couch, so I loaded the video stream from Sweeden on my iMac (in Windows) and tried to watch it from bed. A few laps into the 1st MX2 moto, I fell asleep. I woke up many laps later, and Josh Coppins was quite a ways back. I think this was the 2nd MX1 moto, but I really can’t remember. I kept waking up, watching a lap or 2, and then falling asleep again. I still don’t know who won the MX2 overall, but I plan on downloading and watching the motos again later tonight, or maybe tomorrow.
I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL I CAN WATCH EVERY AMA MOTOCROSS/SUPERCROSS RACE LIVE ON THE INTERNET!! Even if it’s only the 1st motos like now. It gives me enough of a mental image of whats going on that I can run the 2nd motos in my head. Especially with Jason’s excellent announcing.
P.S. In making this post I pretty much missed the first lites moto. Updating the blog was a bad choice.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Computers, IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Macs, Motocross, Pictures, Supercross, TV, videos
Jun 11 2007
Best email of the day!
P.S.: Yes, I know I’m fat. No, I don’t plan on going on a diet! You’re right, trucker hats are SO 2002 zOMG!! And thank you for noticing that my sweet, sweet beard is totally going gray. What do you want from me? I’M (almost) OLD!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Pictures, Work
Jun 8 2007
This should be pretty hot, but this girl is so skinny I kind of get creeped out. I’m like, Errrr… WTF, are you 12?? The youtube profile says 21, but I’m not buying it. Especially since their other video is clearly not the same person. And obviously these videos exist to get you to use them as a referrer for AFF. I hope I don’t go to jail. Please don’t be 12!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 6 • Tags: I WOULD!!!, LOL INNERNETS, videos
Jun 4 2007
First off, skip the first 30 seconds of this video. I have no idea what they were thinking by putting that animation in there.
Next, LOLLERZ at this kid’s trophy being bigger than he is!!
Third, if you’re tubby then watch the video, but don’t read any further. Especially if you’ve ever thought about letting me sleep with you. Yes, I know I’m a jackass. That’s why God put me here!
4 Year Old MX Champion
Heaven forbid that I ever knock some girl up and have to become a dad (especially a fat girl! Man, I SO DO NOT WANT to be the father for a fat girl’s kid!! I mean, I’m not trying to hate on fat girls… Obviously if there is a possibility of me being a fat girl’s kid, then I like fat girls enough to fuck them. But to have to wake up next to a fat girl every day and say “Yeah, that’s our kid…” would be… Not good! This was actually the subject of a long conversation at Felt the other night. And it’s not just fat girls… You could actually substitute the word “fat” with “lazy/messy/dumb/???” or even a smoker. And now that I’ve said all of that, I’m sure I’ll end up having to marry a lazy, messy, dumb, fat smoker girl! I better keep my shit in check!! Also, HOLY ULTIMATE ASIDE, or what? The kid’s mom in this video made me go off on fat girls. I know tons of super rad fat girls and I will fuck them, I just don’t want to have to be married to them!), but if that should happen I hope my kid won’t still need training wheels when he/she’s 4 years old!
Someone needs to get this kid in Thor gear, because he hauls!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Motocross, Pictures, videos
Jun 1 2007
FECK! I just had a whole bunch of stuff typed here about my new laptop, my busted knee and phone, but I accidentally hit the back button on my mouse and now it’s all gone.
I’m way too lazy to type it all out again so you get the nutshell edition! I’m an idiot for not saving often.
Tried to take a picture of construction finally happening at the 12th and Washington Starbucks today, but I just got snow on my screen and actually had to pull the battery to get it to function as a phone. My phone also stopped getting a working signal while I am at home a few weeks ago, and apparently this ailment has spread to work now too. In short, I am in dire need of a new phone. The problem is that the Apple phone doesn’t come out until sometime next month (oh hay it’s THIS month now!!) so I have to work with a mostly busted RAZR and wait for the iPhone, or take it and get a blackjack instead. I am very undecided on what to do.
Speaking of busted, have you seen my right knee lately? This knee has been giving me grief for 3 years now, and I have no idea why. As far as I know, I never injured it. I just remember waking up and being like “Oh hey, my knee is sore!” and it’s pretty much been that way ever since. Except sometimes it’s a lot more sore than usual. Like for the past week or 2! the dang thing swelled up and has been super sore/tender. Again, I have no idea why and I have no plan to find out why/treat the problem. I have faith that it will return to it’s usual lower level of pain sooner or later. It hasn’t been too much of an issue lately… I just try to stay off of it other than walking to work, which is super close. However, I am quickly running out of food so I might be having a lot of meals delivered if this thing doesn’t sort itself out in a hurry. A ride all the tori anus way to Publix at this point in time (and pain) is not sounding like such a great time. Maybe if they had a killer sale on ice cream or something it would be worth it. Otherwise, I’ll keep La Sandwicherie and Cheeseburger Baby on speed dial. Except… I have to limp outside to even make any calls! Hurry up with the iPhone already!! I’m getting hungry.
LOL SOUTH BEACH!! (or some beach)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Pictures, South Beach
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Aug 3 2007
just in case you missed the X Games last night!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Motocross, TV, videos