Feb 14 2007
snow tanning
Something tells me this isn’t South Florida!
stupid stuff found on the innernets
Feb 14 2007
Something tells me this isn’t South Florida!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Feb 13 2007
If you forgot to buy me a Valentine’s day present, you can make it up to me by getting me some Goatse stickers! They might be super old meme by now, but they’re new to me. (the stickers, not goatse).
And I guess the stickers are not awesome if you don’t know all about the Goatse man. ( potentially not safe for work)
I’m serious! I want some of these stickers!!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Feb 8 2007
This is a super funny story that I trimmed out of the latest DMXS Radio podcast for Brandon, but there is a pretty good chance you’ll find it funny too.
It’s probably a lot funnier if you know the people involved, and it won’t be funny at all if you don’t think poop is funny.
Oh, and maybe not safe for work.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Feb 8 2007
Best Twitterer evAr!
Things like this kind of make my day a little better.
(at least it made me smile)
P.S.: This made me smile too!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: Computers, LOL INNERNETS
Feb 4 2007
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: IRL, LOL INNERNETS, TV, videos
Feb 3 2007
I’ve been using Hotmail for over 10 years now!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: Back home, years ago., Computers, LOL INNERNETS
Feb 2 2007
How in the Tori Anus (.com!) can this be explained? 406,308 page views in January?? That’s more than December and November 2006 combined! I don’t get it.
Brandon reckons it’s his pictures (this one of his daughter, Mia, in particular) that are pulling in so much traffic, but I think it has more to do with Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Looking People (females only, of course! you know how homophobic I am.) that want to do me. But there are signs that I may be wrong. Like the fact that only Steve Jobs wants to be my twitter friend. And only 2 people want to be Netflix friends with me. These things almost make me want to cry. I guess I’ll have to rely on my 1800+ myspace friends to console me. Or not.
But here is what I really want to say with this post: STOP READING THIS BLITHER! Good lord, can’t you see what I’m doing?? I try and try to make FANLESS.com more and more unvisitable, but more and more people keep coming back. STOP IT! PLEASE!!
It was so awesome back in the day when nobody read what I typed because I could call whoever I wanted an asshole and not have to worry about it because NOBODY WAS GOING TO READ IT! But now…? Nearly 50,000 pairs of eyeballs on what I’m typing in just 31 days? Are you kidding me? WHY?
Ok, I get it that maybe 10 or so people might want to visit to see if I’m typing anything about them. I know this because they have told me so. But what about the rest of you? THERE IS NOTHING OF VALUE HERE! Stop trying to find it. REALLY!
I try to do what I can to make you want to stay as far away from fanless.com as possible… I mean, look at the colors! Are your retinas not nearly burned out? I mostly gave up on posting mediocre photos in lieu of extremely crappy pictures from my phone. That didn’t seem to help. I add plugin on top of plugin in an effort to slow the page loading, but I guess that’s not frustrating enough for you. Last summer I all but stopped posting for half a month and that ended up getting me the most page views for all of 2006. BANANAS! I’m not sure what to try next.
I’m about to give up, but I’m not even sure what that would yield me. It could end up being worse than this. Once half a million page views in one month happens, I might stop fighting it.
I can’t wait until things get back to 1996 status when I was like “Dude, 100 people looked at my web page this year! HIGH FIVE!!” Then I might feel like I can type what I actually feel like I want to type.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS
Jan 30 2007
hallo innernets,
plz 2b my friend f you are using the twitter!
I have just one friend on the twitter and it would be fabulous if you would be my friend on the twitter.
I am still not in the thinking that twitter is awesome, but I am still trying to give it a shot. Maybe it would be more interesting to me if some IRL people were using it and I was their friend.
Otherwise, it seems a little too “HAY LQQK AT ME AND THE TOTALLY AWESUM THINGZ I BE DOING zOMG!!!” for me, if you can believe that since I am pretty much all about the “Hey guys I am awesome and this is why you should think so!”.
Hey, look! I even added a twitter thing to my sidebar. I can’t wait until I have so many things in my sidebar that it makes the innernets assplode. That time should be nearing now.
I also added a Netflix thing a few days ago but I didn’t implement it all that well because I was lazy and over it.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS
Jan 24 2007
Back when Chad Reed was racing 125s, I liked him a lot. Then James Stewart came along and for a long time I didn’t like Chad at all.
Now I’m starting to like Chad again.
I especially like this video. I kind of feel like I can get into his head.
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Of course, I still love James Stewart!!!
daddy is mean
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By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Supercross, videos
Jan 24 2007
From: Natashechka2007
I to wish to tell to you, that your structure has very much liked me. I would like, that you have written to me. I very much to wish to have with you correspondence. My name is Natalya, me of 26 years. I romantic and very careful girl. I to wish to tell to you that, I am lonely also to me is necessary the man which will care of me. Also will give the love. I wish to find such the man. And I think, that I shall find such the man. You have very much liked me. I very much hope for your answer. If you have become interested in my letter. That write on mine e-mail:
I shall tell about myself more.
I to think, that you will answer my letter very soon.
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The return address is NOT valid
You can disable these emails from your preferences page.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 5 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS
Jan 12 2007
Tonight I updated WordPress and some plugins. Of (fairly uninteresting) note are these two new pages: users and stats. The users page shows how many people are browsing this site in realtime and about the only interesting thing about that is that there were 58 people browsing fanless.com at the same time on January 6th. I have no idea why. I was in West Palm that day and not even on the innernets. The stats page shows some kind of interesting stats about my blog. I’m just running it in stock form so any spelling/grammar issues should fall on the developer’s shoulders, not mine. As you can see, 2 old posts keep getting tons of comments that I can’t read.
Oh, and speaking of stats…
I came kind of close to getting 2 million page views in 2006.
Here’s a breakdown by month. I expect 2007’s stats to look more like 2005 than 2006. I’m feeling rather over blogging/the innernets. It’s like, the more I realize people are actually reading what I type the less I feel like typing on the innernets.
Beyond all that, my cousin Scott’s wife Lisa had a baby over the weekend. You can read all about it at their blog. Also, my other cousin, Scott’s sister, Tiffany, has her own blog and you should read it too.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: Back home, years ago., FANLESS.com, IRL, LOL INNERNETS
Jan 12 2007
Hello internets,
My iMac is still dead but at this point I think it’s mostly my fault that nothing is changing with that. Whenever there are disruptions in the force and especially when I meet resistance in rectifying the disruption, I tend to just ignore the situation all together. That’s the situation right now. My iMac G5 is sitting in its box in my apartment in the exact same place it has been since I got it home from the Apple store last Wednesday. The thing is a headache I’m not ready to deal with. The Apple store people told me they would repair it for free (for the 4th time – 3rd time in something like the last 8 months) but if I want it replaced then I need to email someone at Apple and beg them to authorize a replacement. Sounds simple enough, but I’m just not ready to face their reply that will likely say “LOL P0WNT!!1” or something to that effect. I’ve heard way too many empty promises over this computer to have any faith in this last resort person I’m supposed to email. Actually, I guess the true last resort would be the legendary sjobs@mac.com email address where according to legend, “Steve Jobs’ personal assistant” will get back to me and set my world straight. I’m not sure if I have enough pull to make that happen, but then all I’d have to do is write an amazing blog post about the saga with this ill iMac and get it dugg on digg.com. I just don’t know if I have all of that in my nature. I’d probably just bend over, take it, and just get the thing fixed for free once again and hope it doesn’t die again.
And that’s the thing that really bothers me the most. I’m really not after a new computer. My iMac G5 does everything I need it to do and keeps me smiling until it dies. All I really want is some faith in my machine. A piece of mind that will allow me to rely on it. I had this iMac G5 for just over 2 months when it died for the first time. That was really disappointing, but I thought all was well when it stayed running for over a year after the initial fix. But since this last rash of breakdowns I am really starting to question the reliability of Apple. If this were my first computer then I might be like “Ok, I guess computers don’t last very long.” I mean, this machine is over 2 years old. But this isn’t my first computer. In fact, I have an Apple Quadra 800 that is around 13 years old and still runs great! And I have my 7.5 year old 350 MHz PowerMac G3 that currently has a 3 week uptime. I’ve never had any problems with either of these computers and I don’t think luck has anything to do with it. Is it unreasonable for me to expect another 5 years of life out of my iMac G5? I don’t think so.
So that’s where things sit with my iMac G5. I need to email this person and hope/pray that they see things from my point of view and authorize the replacement of my computer.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: Computers, IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Macs
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Feb 15 2007
show me your n000dz!1! (females only)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS, videos