Oct 31 2006
Miami Podcasts
Hello, what happened to The Miami Podcast? It’s been like 6 weeks since the last one.
Ok, it wasn’t the best podcast in the world or anything, but are there any other/better Miami/South Florida podcasts? If so, please direct my attention to them.
My listening material is getting so weak, I’m resorting to Linux/Ubuntu podcasts!
Oh, also… I updated my blog to the newest version of WordPress (2.0.5) tonight, and I updated 6 plugins. I think my recent comments thing is fucked up though. It should be showing only 3 days worth of comments.
Nov 1 2006
October produced better numbers than September, but I have a strong suspicion that August will reign king for at least 6 more months.

Oh, also… Happy birthday to my friend Phil Hanks! He’s 32 today.
Actually, I maybe shouldn’t say that. I haven’t seen or talked to the guy in over 13 years, so he may no longer be with us. But last I heard, the guy became a Mormon, got married and has kids. I think he lives in Utah, but Hawaii is in my brain too.
If you’re Philip Hanks from Othello Washington you should chime in with your whereabouts and what you’re up to. (Just don’t try to convert me!)
Phil, me, Rod Schutte! (circa 1987-8?)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • • Tags: Back home, FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS, years ago.