Jul 1 2007
This is how I do it.
Watching MX!
So, this might be pretty nerdy, but I’m fine with that. I am right now watching AMA Motocross from the Red Bud National in Buchanan Michigan, LIVE ON THE INNERNETS zOMGZ!!!
In detail (which is the nerdy part), I have the video playing in Windows Media Player via Windows XP on my iMac, thanks to Parallels. Then on my iMac’s 2nd monitor, I have the same video playing in Quicktime, but delayed a bit so I have an ad-hoc instant replay. I just have to move my head to the right a bit to see what I just saw again. The twist to this is that I’m actually not listening to audio that accompanies the video… I am instead listening to the live audio feed because I have a very non-gay boner for Jason Weigandt, (that was meant as a joke!) and, frankly, I feel that his announcing makes the racing a lot more exciting.
Finally, on my laptop, I am chatting with my buds (just make up a username… leave the password box empty), watching the lap times (I miss being able to color label the riders like I could with the Supercross timing thing), and looking at the track map and just getting annoyed by mototalk people, and extra frustrated that I can’t interact with them because I let my membership lapse and I don’t have $30 ear tagged for a renewal.
If watching MX on the net isn’t your cup of tea, you can watch the 2nd Motocross class moto at 6 PM on Speed!
So, that’s what I’m up to on this rainy first day of July. Come to think of it, this is pretty much how I spent 2 Sundays ago, too. And actually, I guess that if I’m going to paint a picture, I should tell the whole story (WHAT? I have no idea what I just typed!)… My MX Sunday actually started late Saturday night when I was trying to be asleep by midnight so I could wake up by 6 AM so I could watch FIM World Motocross via MediaZone.com, but I ended up falling asleep somewhere around 3! I woke up at 5:50, on the couch, so I loaded the video stream from Sweeden on my iMac (in Windows) and tried to watch it from bed. A few laps into the 1st MX2 moto, I fell asleep. I woke up many laps later, and Josh Coppins was quite a ways back. I think this was the 2nd MX1 moto, but I really can’t remember. I kept waking up, watching a lap or 2, and then falling asleep again. I still don’t know who won the MX2 overall, but I plan on downloading and watching the motos again later tonight, or maybe tomorrow.
I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL I CAN WATCH EVERY AMA MOTOCROSS/SUPERCROSS RACE LIVE ON THE INTERNET!! Even if it’s only the 1st motos like now. It gives me enough of a mental image of whats going on that I can run the 2nd motos in my head. Especially with Jason’s excellent announcing.
P.S. In making this post I pretty much missed the first lites moto. Updating the blog was a bad choice.
Nov 2 2007
someone’s in your house
I thought I was going out again tonight, but I just looked at the clock, and my phone hasn’t rang, as far as I know, so I think it’s a safe bet to say that I’m staying in tonight, I guess I’ll just stay and look for home warranty companies in Texas since my mom keeps on telling me to do so. That’s probably a good thing because I think I have woken up hung over the past 7 mornings in a row and I even needed to get a maid service from kingofmaids.com since I couldn’t clean by myself those days. A break isn’t going to hurt.
So, I’ve been questioning Mac OS X.5 Leopard’s worth. Like, is it worth $130 or not? And it has been pretty hard for me to see that much value in it, but tonight something happened…
Uploaded with Skitch!
To be able to browse this folder (beware of goatse and tubgirl!) in coverflow mode really made it worth it for me. I was trying to find some old pics that I knew were in that directory, but I had no idea what the file names were. I had a local copy, so I just browsed it in my finder. I would find the images I was looking for, and drag them into another folder so I could note theri file names later on.
In this process, I realized that it’s been just over 2 years since I worked at District Lab with the skilled Tempe heating repair contractors. Here are a few pics from that era. (click on each pic for its original liveurinal post + more pics)
Sidekick falls asleep!
For more info please visit http://www.romfordlocks.co.uk.
You know you have a pretty awesome job when you get to use a $600 chair as an ottoman!
We drank beer for Cinco de Mayo in 2004…
…and in 2005!
…and sometimes we would make Gustavo look gay!
…and we took a lot of pictures of eachother. That place was a lot of fun! I miss those guys.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: FANLESS.com, IRL, LOL INNERNETS, Macs, Pictures, Work