Jun 2 2006
how 2
By your estimation, what is the best/quickest/easiest way to remove these nipples, but keep the texture of the shirt?
Things happening at work.
Jun 2 2006
By your estimation, what is the best/quickest/easiest way to remove these nipples, but keep the texture of the shirt?
May 24 2006
zOMG CHANNEL 10 just came in and they’re interviewing Mike right now about his opinion on “Washington AveNEW” and the impact it has had on business!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, Work
May 12 2006
1) As far as I know, a “Miracle Worker” tool isn’t available in Photoshop. Too bad… I sure could use it right about now.
2) I just had lunch at Thai House and you didn’t. (and if you did, why didn’t you come by and say “What up, FANLESS!”?) Note to self: Please try to remember that you don’t like green curry nearly as much as you like red, I loved coming here because now I can tell you guys (for those who asked) that we buy houses Houston for an affordable price today!
3) Free movie in Flamingo Park again tonight! I don’t know what the movie is. I think it’s being shown at the swimming pool, anyway these guns are perfect for a water fight in the pool.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: South Beach, Work
May 4 2006
Last night was the opening party for Miami Fashion Week at Glass.
I haven’t been to bed yet.
I have a feeling this is going to be a long day.
Bring on the Red Bull!
Such is life on the beach!
Oh, P.S.: (and I would edit my previous post but then people would see I am on the innernets at work zOMGz!!) If nothing is changing on my screen, that probably means I passed out! PLZ TXT ME and wake me up!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, Work
May 2 2006
Wow, today is starting out to be fairly odd!
I did a commendable job of getting ready for work earlier than usual so I could do a couple of things before heading in. I walked over to the bank, and on the way it felt like a lot of people on the sidewalk were trying to get in my way and hold me up. Then when I got to the bank, some woman with a dog was in front of me in line, and when it was her turn at the counter, she waited an extraordinarily long time for her dog to finish sniffing whatever it was sniffing before actually going to the counter. And then it was my turn and everything went fine and quick.
I walked across the street to Lee Ann Drug to get some wings (Red Bull!). They didn’t have any so I bought a bottle of Cherry Coke instead. I went to pay for it and I got behind some old guy that was just moseying along. I was waiting for him to get out of the way so I could step up to the counter to pay, and some old woman swooped in behind him, and in front of me, to pay for her items. I would have been like, oh yeah fuck whatever, not not really cared, but this woman was slower than my asshole and she took forever, talking about everything with the cashier. At this point I felt like I was on some hidden camera tv show or something! It wasn’t a matter of me being in a hurry/impatient and noticing everyday occurrences as slowdowns… These people were really being slow!
I finally got to pay for my soda, and walked down the street to work. I booted up my computer and walked a few doors down to get a can of the elusive Red Bull. Guess what happened! They had cans of Red Bull, but the guy in front of me in line to pay must have been Chatty Cathy’s brother or something, because he had a lot to say (in spanish, no less, so I have no idea what they were talking about). Whatever it was that they were talking about must have been pretty good because after that guy left, the 2 women behind the counter talked to each other for what seemed like an eternity while I stood there, money in hand, waiting to pay. I quickly grew tired of waiting and just laid my $2.30 on the counter, said “Thanks” and walked out.
And now… I wasn’t going to type anything about my morning, but there was this woman trying to park her car in front of the office and she was taking so long it pushed me over the edge and I decided that everything around me today is going super slow. I typed this whole post (and I’m no speed demon in typing, let me tell ya…) and she’s still trying to park her car!
Oh, wait… I think she got it.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, Work
Apr 21 2006
Just incase anyone is mistaken and actually thinks I might be Bruce Willis or something, (I’m not!) this is (was) my breakfast today.
(this is where you chime in with “zOMG NO WONDER YOU’RE SO FAT!!” and such.)
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, Work
Apr 19 2006
Remember when I had to make that big-ass fake FHM cover for that Paris Hilton movie? Well, did the movie come out or what? I never heard anything about it. The website is still up, but I don’t think it has changed in the last year or however long it’s been up.
I was really moist with anticipation to see it, but now I’m kind of over it.
Also… Blogging for 6 months? 1 Year?? So what! “On Blogger since April 2000” SIX YEARS N199AZ!
Does that make me old meme?
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: FANLESS.com, LOL INNERNETS, Work
Apr 18 2006
I love instructions in spanish!
Oh, never mind. You can’t see the instructions in the picture. I’d tell you what they say, but I don’t know spanish!
Apr 4 2006
Here are some screenshots I have acquired in the past week or two.
These are my dashboard widgets: Pear Lyrics (currently unavailable), MyYahoo!, DealMac, stock calendar widget, myspace search, digg, MacZot, stock espn widget, stock weather widgets, & myspace oneclick (I think it’s broken now.).
This is pretty much how my screen looked for over 4 hours on Saturday night while I listened to the Houston Supercross on the innernets.
This girl wanted her cards reprinted because she didn’t like where the credit was placed. I LOLled!
It’s like ANYONE can be a model these days!
In addition to those essential tweaks, computer eye strain could also alleviate or prevent digital eyestrain, depending on your situation. It always screws up my images and sometimes I don’t catch it and then I have to start over!
I had to remove her beard!
This is before and after.
Speaking of hairy women… Is this chick part wolverine or what? I had to remove the hair from her legs!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 2 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Work
Mar 3 2006
I slept on my couch last night. (I actually started typing this yesterday, so ?last night? means Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I did, however, sleep on the couch again last night!) I remember watching a few episodes of Criminal Minds that I had burned to DVD,and the next thing I know it’s 7AM. I thought about moving to my bed for a couple more hours of sleep… I thought about going to the beach… I ended up staying on the couch and sleeping until about 9.
I think pretty much everyone at work has had a cold/flu the past couple of weeks. I was very worried I was going to get it too, and I am such a baby when I am not well. An occasional shot of ZiCam seems to have kept the illness at bay. I thought I was feeling something coming on yesterday, but I feel better (as in normal) today so either it was nothing or it didn’t turn into anything.
I AM IN DIRE NEED OF A GYM BUDDY!!! If you want to go to Crunch with me at like 7 or 8 in the morning, or after 6 PM, please leave a comment. When Chad, Lissette and I joined the gym in July of 2003 (I remember the first time we went to the gym was the first night The O.C. was on and we watched it from a treadmill! I’ve been hooked ever since.) I told them that the only way I would go to the gym was if they went too. That worked out fine for a while, but then Chad got sick and then they both moved off of the beach and I was left alone.
I think I want my gym buddy to be a girl. That way, I won’t look like a jackass when I’m lifting girl weights. Some big tuff (tough/buff – You know, because most of those buff dudes are true sissies! I ain’t trying to hate… I’m just saying!) guy walks by and I can be like “What? These are her settings!!”
I still wish I had that imaging device that would record everything I see so I can put it on the innernets! This morning I was returning to the office after buying a can of Monster energy, and as I walked in, some model dropped her iPod. I kneeled down to pick it up for her, and she kneeled down too. When I looked up to hand it to her I was greeted by her beaver, prominently on display for the whole world to see, thanks to her very short denim skirt. I stammered a bit because I am 14 years old and it caught me off gaurd, but I eventually got ?Here you go.? from beyond my lips, while looking her in the eye. (and I don?t mean her chicken eye!) I don?t think I stared at it for too long, and I doubt she even knows what I saw.
I must say, today was a good day!
Anyways, that was all meant to be posted yesterday, but I was… I dunno, too lazy? Maybe I was just too busy to post it yesterday. That sounds better!
Today I forgot my camera at home and there have been some lollerific photo opportunities that I missed. Also, some woman that was on this week?s Wife Swap is sitting next to me. I didn?t watch the show. Is she a complete bitch or what?
Oh, also… If my mother could see me right now she would not be happy with me. Way back in August of 2004 when I was in Washington State for a week or so, I was getting ready to spend the day with my Uncle in the middle of nowhere. I dressed myself in camo cargo shorts and a lime green t-shirt. When moms saw me she told me to change my clothes because I clashed. I didn?t change my clothes, and now I feel naughty whenever I wear that shirt/shorts combination (like today). In addition, if you are looking for cloths and accessories for baby wearing, bulk bibs available here.
Sorry, mom! I wear what I want to wear.
P.S.: I didn’t proof read this so plz point out any tyops!
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 4 • Tags: Back home, I WOULD!!!, IRL, Work, years ago.
Mar 2 2006
I hate it when people send me email and call me Andrejko. He has his own email address!
I especially hate it when people send me email in German! I barely even know the basics of english, let alone a 2nd language!
Hallo Andrejko
Ich habe vergessen nochmal Karten fuer Larissa K. zu bestellen
Bitte ein rerun
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: LOL INNERNETS, Work
Feb 17 2006
Drinking beer @ work again!
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Jun 5 2006
I’m going to make a real post about this at some point, but just as a prelude; I’ve only been here 10 minutes, and already someone has come in, waited to be helped, didn’t get helped, got tired of waiting and left.
I’m going to try to keep track of how many times this happens this week.
By FANLESS • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: IRL, South Beach, Work