dubmariner (10:07:24pm) : well i havn't seen u in a while fanless (10:07:35pm) : i've been around. dubmariner (10:08:01pm) : hows things ? fanless (10:08:18pm) : pretty good. dubmariner (10:08:33pm) : groovy !.. what have u been up to ? fanless (10:08:53pm) : work and riding. dubmariner (10:10:29pm) : sounds great fanless (10:10:38pm) : yep. dubmariner (10:12:53pm) : ok well.. thats fantastic.. dubmariner (10:13:06pm) : have a nice life ! fanless (10:13:11pm) : ok. dubmariner (10:13:41pm) : ok no actually can i ask u something fanless (10:13:51pm) : sure. dubmariner (10:14:32pm) : so u even know how to have a conversation.. or do u only know how to say yep .. ok.... sure...????? fanless (10:15:26pm) : i only know how to say yep .. ok.... sure... especially when I have more important things going on. dubmariner (10:15:47pm) : woah.. dubmariner (10:15:59pm) : more then one word !! .. u deserve a medal ! fanless (10:16:08pm) : indeed. dubmariner (10:16:34pm) : u like it short and sweet don't u fanless (10:16:43pm) : yes. dubmariner (10:16:59pm) : well that wasn't hard to figure dubmariner (10:18:46pm) : so where do u work any way ? fanless (10:19:17pm) : Lazerland. ( www.lazerland.com ) dubmariner (10:19:44pm) : which means u ......??? fanless (10:20:19pm) : i design stuff. dubmariner (10:21:01pm) : a designer ! fanless (10:21:10pm) : yep. dubmariner (10:21:38pm) : sounds..like fun dubmariner (10:21:51pm) : so im guessing your a pretty funky sort of guy fanless (10:22:05pm) : not really. dubmariner (10:22:46pm) : not really dubmariner (10:25:33pm) : so u r a designer but your not funky ?? fanless (10:25:45pm) : yep. dubmariner (10:26:06pm) : u like punk don't u fanless (10:26:38pm) : yes i do. well, popular punk. dubmariner (10:27:20pm) : well no wonder u don't your funky dubmariner (10:28:14pm) : na kidding dubmariner (10:30:36pm) : popular punk eh ! .. do u like rancid. me first and the gimee gimees. osker. ten foot pole fanless (10:31:08pm) : yes, but i don't know who osker is. dubmariner (10:32:12pm) : u would get along with my friend .. so well fanless (10:32:31pm) : why? dubmariner (10:33:12pm) : u r exactly the same ! u have trouble answering questions. like punk. she wants to be a designer fanless (10:33:53pm) : oh. dubmariner (10:34:09pm) : yeah.. what do u think .. should i set u up ? fanless (10:34:38pm) : no thanks. dubmariner (10:35:31pm) : your so blunt . dubmariner (10:36:07pm) : sorry.. but its true .. fanless (10:36:15pm) : ok. dubmariner (10:37:53pm) : see fanless (10:38:23pm) : no. dubmariner (10:38:46pm) : ok .. so if your busy now.. when is a good time to talk to u ? fanless (10:39:20pm) : i am a 26 year old man. do you think I have time in my life for chatting? dubmariner (10:40:00pm) : a man ! dubmariner (10:40:10pm) : don't flatter yourself fanless (10:40:17pm) : ok. dubmariner (10:40:28pm) : and i didn't say chat i said talk fanless (10:41:02pm) : ok, are you gong to come over here to talk? dubmariner (10:41:18pm) : i might come over and chat fanless (10:41:26pm) : great. dubmariner (10:42:04pm) : yeah really great dubmariner (10:43:50pm) : so what do u have time for in your life ? dubmariner (10:43:59pm) : since u are such an old man fanless (10:44:21pm) : watching tv, and riding my bike. dubmariner (10:44:37pm) : is that all fanless (10:45:13pm) : and work, eating, sleeping, and grooming. dubmariner (10:45:26pm) : grooming ? fanless (10:46:05pm) : yes, you know... showering, brushing my teeth and hair, shaving and such. dubmariner (10:46:44pm) : woah.. i didn't think old people did that sort of thing fanless (10:46:53pm) : most don't. dubmariner (10:47:00pm) : just u fanless (10:47:06pm) : yep. dubmariner (10:47:21pm) : woah what an individual fanless (10:47:30pm) : indeed. dubmariner (10:47:48pm) : well good for u .. fanless (10:47:54pm) : thanks. dubmariner (10:48:05pm) : so r your teeth false.. or have u still got real ones ? fanless (10:48:27pm) : they are real. dubmariner (10:48:47pm) : woah grandpa .. u must really look after them fanless (10:49:10pm) : i do. dubmariner (10:49:51pm) : gramps.. can i ask u something fanless (10:49:57pm) : sure. dubmariner (10:50:10pm) : what was it like back in the day ? fanless (10:50:18pm) : i can't remember. dubmariner (10:51:37pm) : so u can't remember doing fun crazy stuff ? dubmariner (10:51:47pm) : or did u never do any of that ? fanless (10:52:01pm) : i never did any fun crazy stuff. dubmariner (10:52:40pm) : never fanless (10:52:47pm) : nope. dubmariner (10:54:02pm) : so that explains all the ... sure... indeed...nope. sentences fanless (10:54:11pm) : yep. dubmariner (10:54:40pm) : u suck grandpa fanless (10:54:59pm) : i am well aware of that. dubmariner (10:55:09pm) : man.. do u smile ? dubmariner (10:55:13pm) : or laugh ? fanless (10:55:17pm) : all of the time. dubmariner (10:55:22pm) : or have any friends ? fanless (10:55:42pm) : do imaginary friends count? dubmariner (10:55:55pm) : no.. fanless (10:56:03pm) : then no i do not. dubmariner (10:56:11pm) : well they can on one condition.' fanless (10:56:19pm) : ok. dubmariner (10:56:21pm) : u have to name them all .. dubmariner (10:56:35pm) : or do u only have one ? fanless (10:56:43pm) : two. dubmariner (10:56:53pm) : and they are .. dubmariner (10:57:21pm) : think .. really hard fanless (10:57:42pm) : i forget. dubmariner (10:58:04pm) : u r beyond fucked.. dubmariner (10:59:31pm) : which is a good thing dubmariner (10:59:33pm) : really it is dubmariner (11:00:43pm) : i just stepped over the line right ! fanless (11:01:07pm) : sure. dubmariner (11:01:31pm) : sure dubmariner (11:02:16pm) : u should talk.. cos u being so old and all could be gone .. tomorrow dubmariner (11:03:03pm) : whats your answer gonna be .. ok .. or sure.. or indeed .. or are u gonna shock me ?????? fanless (11:03:26pm) : answer to what? dubmariner (11:03:51pm) : to what i said dubmariner (11:05:45pm) : ok its obvious u don't like me.. so as i said before have a nice life.. fanless (11:05:49pm) : what did you say? dubmariner (11:06:08pm) : don't worry about it .. fanless (11:06:30pm) : ok. dubmariner (11:07:05pm) : see that didn't make u talk either dubmariner (11:07:34pm) : is it me .. or r u like that to every one u meet fanless (11:08:09pm) : i don't talk to people unless i have to. especially people i don't know. dubmariner (11:08:25pm) : why dubmariner (11:08:48pm) : why do u have such a phobia of talking to people u don't know fanless (11:09:02pm) : what do you want me to say to you? fanless (11:09:18pm) : how can i have a conversation with someone i know nothing about? fanless (11:09:30pm) : it's asinine. dubmariner (11:09:31pm) : well i tried dubmariner (11:11:48pm) : god. .. dubmariner (11:12:24pm) : u r the most stubborn person i have ever meet fanless (11:12:59pm) : then why are you so hell bent on talking to me? dubmariner (11:13:25pm) : u don't want to know fanless (11:13:36pm) : why not' fanless (11:13:38pm) : ? dubmariner (11:14:16pm) : who cares .. dubmariner (11:14:52pm) : cos. u said u don't like meeting new people anyway so it dosn't really mattert dubmariner (11:14:56pm) : matter fanless (11:15:08pm) : ok. dubmariner (11:15:16pm) : ok dubmariner (11:17:42pm) : I THOUGHT U WERE HOT ALRIGHT !! enough.. and since u were a snowboarder i thought hey maybe i have something in common with this guy.. and i tried to talk to u .. but all i got was sure , or indeed.... or ok.. and now u have pissed me off.. fanless (11:17:58pm) : sorry. dubmariner (11:18:33pm) : im sure u are