Fargo 4 U (4:52 AM):hey C.P. just wanted to say "Hi" and "How Ya doing Dude?"
FANLESS (4:52 AM):
i am fine.
Fargo 4 U (4:53 AM):
You are up and around huh? I'm Glad.
Fargo 4 U (4:53 AM):
Did you wish your Dad a Happy Bd?
FANLESS (4:54 AM):
Fargo 4 U (4:55 AM):
I was suppose to go to the Birthday party Sunday. Doug wanted to take the boat out to the John Day River. I didn't have much chose in the matter.
FANLESS (4:55 AM):
Fargo 4 U (4:55 AM):
Guess where I went Sunday?
FANLESS (4:56 AM):
north pole?
Fargo 4 U (4:56 AM):
Yeah! you got that right!
Fargo 4 U (4:56 AM):
Ha Ha Ha hahahahah
FANLESS (4:56 AM):
Fargo 4 U (4:56 AM):
So, How is work going for you?
FANLESS (4:57 AM):
pretty good. i got another raise a couple of weeks ago.
Fargo 4 U (4:57 AM):
No Shit!!!! That is cool! How much of a raise did you get? I told you I got5 a raise,right?
FANLESS (4:58 AM):
50 cents.
Fargo 4 U (4:59 AM):
THat was about the extent of my raise also. I think we are both worth more than that!
Fargo 4 U (5:00 AM):
My co-worker started 4 months after I did. She started at the same pay I did. And when I got my raide, she got one to. Now, how do you figure that?
Fargo 4 U (5:01 AM):
FANLESS (5:01 AM):
i dunno.
Fargo 4 U (5:02 AM):
So CP, when are you coming to visit us?
FANLESS (5:02 AM):
on the 20th.
Fargo 4 U (5:02 AM):
Of July??????????????????? Really?????????????????
FANLESS (5:02 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:03 AM):
Hot Damned!!!!!!! Excuse My French!!!! THat makes me happy don't you know.
FANLESS (5:03 AM):
i don't want to go.
Fargo 4 U (5:03 AM):
FANLESS (5:04 AM):
i'd rather stay home. washington doesn't interest me.
FANLESS (5:04 AM):
are you going to tims wedding?
Fargo 4 U (5:05 AM):
Don't you care about you family here? Your friends? The ones who looked after you when you were down and out? What about us that would like to see you and hear you laugh again? your jokes?
FANLESS (5:06 AM):
when was i ever down and out?
Fargo 4 U (5:06 AM):
I Don't even know when Uncle Tim's Weddomg is?
FANLESS (5:07 AM):
October 28th. In Oklahoma.
Fargo 4 U (5:07 AM):
Are you going to be the best man?
FANLESS (5:07 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:08 AM):
Yeah............Right............You want me to believe that?
FANLESS (5:08 AM):
why wouldn't i be?
Fargo 4 U (5:09 AM):
You are Close to uncle Tim........ I think that he has other plans.
FANLESS (5:09 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:10 AM):
Would you like to sing with me in his wedding?
FANLESS (5:10 AM):
No thanks.
Fargo 4 U (5:10 AM):
Did he say anything to you about that?
FANLESS (5:10 AM):
About what?
Fargo 4 U (5:10 AM):
Singing in the Wedding.
FANLESS (5:10 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:11 AM):
Hold on CP. I have a phone call.
FANLESS (5:11 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:16 AM):
Oh Man!! Can you believe that? These salesmen don't stop!!!! Here it is 2:00 in the morning and they are asking me to sing up with there business.
FANLESS (5:16 AM):
that sucks.
Fargo 4 U (5:17 AM):
you know what I meant.....not sing up..but sign up?
Fargo 4 U (5:18 AM):
It is 5:00 in the moring there. Are you up because I am chatting with you?
Fargo 4 U (5:18 AM):
Be honest now>
FANLESS (5:18 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:19 AM):
Are you chatting with anyone elese?
FANLESS (5:19 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:20 AM):
Hold on for a second...I will be right back...no Shit!
FANLESS (5:20 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:22 AM):
What day did you say that you were flying in to this area?
FANLESS (5:23 AM):
Thursday, July 20th.
FANLESS (5:23 AM):
It's scotts birthday.
Fargo 4 U (5:23 AM):
Are you flying into Seattle?
FANLESS (5:24 AM):
Yes, and i'm staying the night with scott, where we'll probably go out for his birthday, get drunk and pick up some whores.
FANLESS (5:24 AM):
crack whores, if we're lucky.
Fargo 4 U (5:27 AM):
I have never heard of the phrase."crack Whores" Does that mean that you wantto do some drugs with a person who might have AIDS?
FANLESS (5:27 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:27 AM):
Well, Talk to me.... What does that mean?
FANLESS (5:28 AM):
i was implying that we're gonna go out and be irresponsible, which is the exact opposite if how the night will really be.

Fargo 4 U (5:30 AM):
OK...I was not in the swing of things. EXCUSSSSSE MEEEEEEE!

Fargo 4 U (5:31 AM):
So What are you planning on doing? you can always come here! we may not have the party you like....but you are free to do what you want!
Fargo 4 U (5:32 AM):
I will pick you up at the airport.
FANLESS (5:32 AM):
we'll be gping to othello for the family reunion.
Fargo 4 U (5:34 AM):
Yeah.......Ok.........That is what I had planned on......But what about the time inbetween?
FANLESS (5:34 AM):
it's just one night, and i'm flying to seattle for scotts birthday.
Fargo 4 U (5:35 AM):
would an aunt be invited to this party?
FANLESS (5:36 AM):
i don't think we're having a party.
Fargo 4 U (5:38 AM):
I am not stupid Chris. I know where you are coming from. It is OK..... LATER.
FANLESS (5:38 AM):
we're not having a party. his mum and sister will be there.
Fargo 4 U (5:39 AM):
What about his father....Ray?
FANLESS (5:39 AM):
Why would he be there?
Fargo 4 U (5:40 AM):
I Guess....Because he is his Father....... If his Aunt and his grandmother will be the.......Why wouldn't his Father be there also?
FANLESS (5:42 AM):
i don't think his grandmother is going to be there. and they're not going to be there because it's his birthday... they're all there for a ride to othello.
FANLESS (5:42 AM):
and i really don't think uncle ray would be going to the reunion.
FANLESS (5:42 AM):
so that is why his father wouldn't be there.
Fargo 4 U (5:44 AM):
The "Ride To Othello" What about that? OK........ I am Stupid......... Call me Stupuid.....
FANLESS (5:45 AM):
scott is driving me, and aunt Laurie, and Tiffany to Othello for the reunion.
Fargo 4 U (5:46 AM):
His Mom is My Sister... and his sister is your cousin... so that makes scott your friend
Fargo 4 U (5:46 AM):
and cousin.
Fargo 4 U (5:47 AM):
How did you do that Chris?
FANLESS (5:47 AM):
how did i do what?
Fargo 4 U (5:49 AM):
How did you make yourself a nationalally known person?
FANLESS (5:49 AM):
i have no idea what you're talking about.
Fargo 4 U (5:50 AM):
You don't know about it?
FANLESS (5:50 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:51 AM):
OK... THink about...Where were you in the last couple of days?
FANLESS (5:52 AM):
At home.
FANLESS (5:52 AM):
I havenm't left home since Friday.
Fargo 4 U (5:52 AM):
No Shit! Are you SURE!

FANLESS (5:52 AM):
Yes. Very sure.
FANLESS (5:53 AM):
What are you even talking about?
Fargo 4 U (5:54 AM):
This newspaper listed you as being an eye witness to a fire in the downtown area. You don't know anything about that?
FANLESS (5:54 AM):
are you drunk?
Fargo 4 U (5:54 AM):
The Miami Times.
Fargo 4 U (5:55 AM):
No. I am wondering if you are?
FANLESS (5:55 AM):
i haven't been to downtown miami for about 7 months. maybe longer.
Fargo 4 U (5:56 AM):
Well, How would they get your name let alone the pictures of you?
FANLESS (5:56 AM):
I think you're seeing things.
FANLESS (5:56 AM):
Yo need help.
Fargo 4 U (5:56 AM):
I am so serious!!! I am afraid for you!!!
FANLESS (5:57 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:57 AM):
FANLESS (5:57 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:58 AM):
Fargo 4 U (5:58 AM):
It means pay backs are a Mother Fucker dude.
FANLESS (5:58 AM):
I know how to read. But I don't know what "Dutch" means.
FANLESS (5:58 AM):
Paybacks for what?
Fargo 4 U (5:59 AM):
Laugh will you...........
FANLESS (5:59 AM):
about what?

FANLESS (6:00 AM):
I think you've got some serious issues.
Fargo 4 U (6:01 AM):
You didn't like my joke heh?
FANLESS (6:01 AM):
What joke?
Fargo 4 U (6:02 AM):
Chris...........WHo is DUCH?
FANLESS (6:02 AM):
I don't know.
FANLESS (6:03 AM):
who is drunk?
Fargo 4 U (6:04 AM):
THink about it......look back on the converstion?...THis isn't about you and it isn't about me. It is about who cares about each other.
Fargo 4 U (6:05 AM):
Adios my friend.
Fargo 4 U (6:22 AM):Chris.
FANLESS (6:22 AM):
Fargo 4 U (6:25 AM):
I have question for you....How woiuld would you like to break into
FANLESS (6:26 AM):
i wouldn't.
Fargo 4 U (6:26 AM):
Not for ke dude .....adios my friend.
FANLESS (6:27 AM):
is that english?
Fargo 4 U (6:27 AM):
no... I mean good bye.
FANLESS (6:27 AM):
no what?
FANLESS (6:28 AM):
what are you talking about?
FANLESS (6:28 AM):
what is "ke"?
Fargo 4 U (6:28 AM):
Why do you wantr to know?
FANLESS (6:29 AM):
because this conversation wouldn't be that annoying if I have half a clue as to what you're talking about.
Fargo 4 U (6:32 AM):
Let's just leave it as this...oK., i AMOUT OF HERE!
FANLESS (6:32 AM):
ok... thanks for wasting my time.
Fargo 4 U (6:32 AM):
FANLESS (6:33 AM):
The question is... What do YOU want from ME?
FANLESS (6:33 AM):
you're typing half sentences that make no sense at all. I can't follow along.
Fargo 4 U (6:37 AM):
Sorry, My cap lock was on. And how about you? Are you up to talking about the things that happened with you
FANLESS (6:37 AM):
Sure. What happened to me?
Fargo 4 U (6:38 AM):
I am not sure. What happened?
FANLESS (6:38 AM):
Fargo 4 U (6:38 AM):
On the farm.
FANLESS (6:38 AM):
Nothing ever happened to me on the farm.
Fargo 4 U (6:38 AM):
I know what happened.
FANLESS (6:39 AM):
ok, please tell me what happened.
Fargo 4 U (6:40 AM):
Tell me what was happening. I think we share the same story.
FANLESS (6:40 AM):
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Fargo 4 U (6:41 AM):
Did Uncle Tim make advances towards you?
FANLESS (6:41 AM):
What do you mean?
FANLESS (6:41 AM):
they gave me advances when i asked for them. that was like 3 or 4 times.
Fargo 4 U (6:42 AM):
well, like uncle David/ did you ever feel as though you were being blackmailed?
FANLESS (6:43 AM):
Fargo 4 U (6:44 AM):
You work for you silence...or your work for you restatution.
FANLESS (6:44 AM):
what does restatution mean?
FANLESS (6:50 AM):
put down the rum, and type to me. i'm trying to figure out what you're saying.
Fargo 4 U (6:50 AM):
restiution means the act of restoring,a state of being restoted, or something re-dressed.
FANLESS (6:51 AM):
you're asking me if i had to work on the farm to pay something back? to fix something?
Fargo 4 U (6:51 AM):
You don't like the gown your women is wearing....... you re-dress her. you make her into a person you would like her to be.'
FANLESS (6:52 AM):
what does that have to do with the farm?
Fargo 4 U (6:55 AM):
I have a mager problem nowllllll,,,,,,,,adios my friend.............I;LLL BE BACK.
FANLESS (6:55 AM):
ok. bye.